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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Tally so far is 6. we have no change in data collected so far using current methods R
  2. Test report so far:- Sardines and marshmallows seem to be best bait. Standard animal trap tricked out with 4 liters of oil in jug on top of the door for added weight to increase velocity of door closing and ensures latch on door engages. Standard issue "lump" of mild steel from shop scrap pile is acceptable substitute, do not use "chunk" size as this does not have enough mass. To determine "chunk" or "lump" differentiation drop item from eye level on your toes wearing non safety toe footwear, air should turn blue instantly using "lump", "chunk" will only bring discomfort and annoyance but distinct lack of blue air. Being nocturnal morning time checks of traps is best, for humane reasons end of day inspection also carried out to comply with Farm ethical policy as per ISO standard. Ensure .22 rim fire (short or long) ballistic test carried out with subject in cage, moving targets are to be avoided. Minimum 2 applications per subject for quality control assurance. Direct round down and away on 45 degree angle, safety eyewear reccomended. Refer to Farm policy manual for RDA (range danger area) template. All known versions of subject body armour fail with this test. In cases where ballstic device is unavailable attach long rope to trap handle and immmerse trap with subject in depth of H2O sufficient to cover trap and keep immersed for one hour. Note lack of subject movement in trap is NOT a conclusive indication of subject extinction even after a number of minutes. This is a hardy and evolved subject and requires full 60 minute time elapse. If a suitable body of water is unavailable or close by neighbours who will object to "noisy" subjects set up a Sankey type trailer (narrow or wide track) beside trap location lined with a tarpaulin to the gunnels and filled with H2O. Ensure all jacking legs are deployed and secured. As per Farm policy environtmental section, dispose of spent subject into bush line to ensure recycling by the indigenous coyote population who will conduct a thorough disposal. Repeat R
  3. Finally had a spare few minutes and pair of qualified hands in the shop tonight. We have had the filter for a while. Makita cordless day stretcher has been on back order until now. We pulled the filter unit and suspended the hoses and took the whole unit into main shop. We made a dummy bracket and welded it to the bench, why I like steel benches. The unit is 90 degrees to its installed attitude and gives purchase. We had to use 3ft of leverage and a solid lump sitting on the free standing bench. It has tapered threads and an O ring. I'm a bit surprised it doesnt have a locking wire tab or something similar to prevent vibration working it loose, but given the torque we needed to get it off maybe it isnt an issue. As Gerry my mechanic chum noted the weight of the cast housing is close to that of a Honda Civic engine. Strangely it has four bolts from the bracket to the housing but only two from bracket to firewall. Picture shows unit with bowl removed. Job done, another vehicle serviceable. R
  4. Steveo, I had heard that the "scap" status was a ruse to conform. I will enquire of the powers that be to produce some pictures and data. Its a foreign tank of early vintage so exact idetification will have to come from you or refurb shop or CWM. Its too early a machine for me to rivet count on! R
  5. Raccoons not ballistically protected. Count is 5 so far and testing continues. R
  6. Dear Tankman, Nice to have you here, please provide your own sandbag and sit down if you can find space. Do you have a "real" name, maybe a first name? Guessing you might be retired and thats how come you have time to spend at the museum these days? Jolly lucky to drive such vehicles. 548s are fun, had an hilarious ride with about 20 other people around Beltring arena in Blobby's unit only to be doused by a fire truck that Mario so kindly stopped alongside. Regards Robin
  7. Well, spring has come and the frost is out of the ground and every critter in the wild is looking for a home to raise offspring. Went into our covered storage building this morning to find this sight, sorry about the quality. Raccoons have got into the building and stripped the insulation from the engine cover on our 101 GS, our 101 Ambulance and our Kubota 080 Excavator. So disheartening to see damage like this. Mice are bad enough. Likely between the three vehicles over 750 dollars worth of damage when you factor in labour and parts. Oh how I hate Coons. Traps set today, ballistic testing in the morning. R:argh::mad::banghead::angry
  8. Interestingly some of those did not end up getting cut up. It is well documented that some of the Renault tanks were declared scrap and actually ended up in Canada at the begining of the war and one is now being rebuilt as we speak by the Canadian War Museum to runner status from what I understand. R
  9. Is that yourself being interviewed by the plods? what is the hat and what provenance for wearing it? R
  10. so that is six sets of my "flower arranging bases with sides" then! R
  11. Andy, would be good to get it going so you could have a tug in case the Conqueror "conks out" . . .:drive: R
  12. Neil you are a certifiable maschochist who likely uses a microscope the size of the hubbel telescope to do that work! oustanding job none the less, trully a work of art. R
  13. Lee thanks for that. I was planning on using the "ways and means Act". There are plenty of 432s around now needing them, so the market is obvious. R
  14. Im investigating having some cast / reproduced in a lighter material. Likely some kind of foam core with a resin over the top. Doing so will make them light for postage and cheap to make. Any expressions of interest? R
  15. Thanks for the kind words guys, My approach would be value and originality and looks. Fit a galvanised chassis and consider spraying it with some kind of treatment like a rubberised coating that gives it the look of an OEM vehicle and then you have the best of all worlds, looks and originality and value. I am always mindfull that we are all only temporary custodians of our vehicles and I have for one been stymied by many POSTS ie Previous Owner Stupid Tricks" such as buthcery of 24 volt systems when it works very well if done properly. R
  16. Welcome to the forum, The 88" CL was often used as a driver training vehicle within a depot unit. I know for instance that the Royal Military Police (RMP) at Chichester had a number of them on the books both in 88" and 109" soft top versions as driver training vehicles. Many a soldier learned and passed their test on them. I say this as when you get your info back from RLC it may say RMP was the user but hesitate a moment before fitting blues and twos and MP boards and all kinds of adornments when infact it was a plain jane vehicle. Regards
  17. Yes it can be done as detailed above, but why devalue your vehicle. If I went to buy a lightweight with a replacement chassis i would be happy to do so but with a civvy chassi under it I would likely walk away from it. My 2 cents worth R
  18. Dear Mike C, Thanks for posting that, while not an afficionado of Clive's calibre, it is of interest and fills gaps in my realms of knowledge. Thanks for posting R
  19. The mechanical lift pump is on the right side of the engine block. Dependant on where your vehicle came from you might find that the sediment bowl / water trap has become loose or the fittings associated with it. Beware the brass screen inside should you remove the lift pump assembly from the engine block. R
  20. Is this project limited to mainland UK existing structures or does it encompass other things that were camouflaged? I know of fuel dumps that were camouflaged as building with washing hung outside and vehicle tracks made, ie the whole 9 yards. R
  21. Those knives were around way way after WW2 I regret to inform you. I know someone who was issued one as a sea cadet in the 1970s in the UK R
  22. Chris, from that one photo I presume you have carnal knowledge of that vehicle or you looked up the registration number, which? R
  23. Ruxy, pics are grand, can I presume / assume that he ones for the wide track trailer are same principle just made to suit? That helps a ton, my co worker is known for his wood working skills and we will likely use pressure treated dimensional lumber and coat the cut edges with preservative. Brass screws may react with the preservative so will see. Many thanks R
  24. Couple of quick thoughts, The undercoating is of nuclear quality, as anyone who has removed it knows or has welded a series Land Rover chassis. Frankly I'm inclined to check it and remove any flaking bits and patch in rubber type undercoating and give it an overall black paint job. Can you explain what you mean about the "lifting rings", I think you are actually talking about the tie down points inside the trailer bed. I have asked before, does anyone have a sketch of the layout of the duckboards they could throw up? R
  25. Andy, just one question, can you make you video clips longer please? R
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