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Launched - The HMVF Once More Onto The Beach campaign..


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Just as a matter of interest have the NVA said what they intend to do with any surplus which may result from thett appeal, if not could you ask the question Jack please?

Not a problem - they will continue to provide care for our veterans - of which my grandfather is one - who hated both Churchill and Hitler.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Haven't we done well!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:


All here should be feeling rather proud of their efforts for this worthwhile cause. Just wish I could be in Normandy to see all the veterans there this last time.


Jack - you might want to update the target figure too! It says we are aiming to get 20 out there - and we have 21.5 already!!!


Now folks - can we at least make the whole 22 - and perhaps even push it to 25?????

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:idea: May be Jack could have an all over body wax that should generate something :eek: :eek:



:shake::shake::shake: please, no some of us want to sleep at night!!!! :shake::shake::shake:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought it would be an appropriate time to say a few words here before I leave for Normandy.

At the weekend I, along with many others will able to see first hand the results and the joy of this campaign. With out doubt this will be very moving for me on a personal basis and has to be one the proudest things that I have had the privilege to be involved in.

Contrary to what the media would tell you – the world is a beautiful place and it is full of special people. If you question that statement then please just look at what we have done here with this campaign. We raised just under £9000 which is just under twenty two of our veterans returning for what will be many the last journey. I feel that with our profile of this campaign that in directly and by influencing other we have helped raise £15-£20,000.

Everyone who has helped towards this should be more than proud of what they have done – it is a special place to be.

This will be my first time to Normandy for the commemorations and I can’t think of a more fitting time to be there then now. We have accomplished what we set out to do and that was to get ten men back there. But we doubled it and we accomplished that too – there is a lot of power in that. We have made a difference..

It leaves me to say on behalf of the Normandy Veterans Association and the men that we have returned…….thank you.

Will see you on the beaches.


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