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Launched - The HMVF Once More Onto The Beach campaign..


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Phil - great work, you are a force for good. Thank you for bringing us the update on that. It is a shame that the current politics between HMVF and the MVT get in the way of the bigger picture - but I don't think that that will always be the case - ironically a lot of HMVF members are MVT members and Area Committee Members.


The bigger picture is, as we have always said, is getting our men back there and we should all be pleased that HMVF lead the way on this.


Not too sure why anyone would be opposed to the MVT donating to the NVA - surely this is why we do what we do - for the men who were there doing what they had to do because they were made to do so - or are we just a bunch of poser's? This is all about the bigger picture. I would have very little time for members of the MVT who think otherwise - I would have to question their motives, vanity is a strange and selfish thing.


HMVF is not a charity and does not have any 'legal' status so the MVT would not of been making a 'direct' donation to another charity but through us - we are run and governed by the hobby.


Phil as said, great work and you are a great man!


Kind regards and thanks,



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This is marvellous news, so well done to everbody involved.


I can understand the issues involved with the MVT. The money that they are using is retrospective "gift aid" reclaimed from the Government. MVT members signed Gift Aid declarations and the MVT are therfore able to recover the tax paid on the subscriptions paid over the last three (or was it five) years. However, with the rules of gift aid the money must be used for the benefit of the MVT members, or it can be possible to give it to another charity. If the money is not used within an allotted time span or if it is spent outside these rules it has to be returned to the Government.


Therfore, the MVT have to protect their position and that of its members and can only give the money directly to the charity. If it went through HMVF first it may well jepordise the possibility of the donation being succesfully made.


The important thing is that a further number of veterans will have their trip funded, so very well done the MVT for doing this and well done to HMVF for highlighting this campaign in the first place.


On another matter, the North Oxfordshire and Cotswolds MVT raised a further £40 for the campaign at our last meeting (giving us £127) and we hope to raise £400 for the campaign by May.


Tim (too)

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I was at the CoM meeting when it was decided to make a large donation to the NVA. It has to be done direct to the NVA because of the MVT's constitution. This is set up in such a way as to stop anybody directing funds into a personal or private account. It has nothing to do with personnal feelings towards the HMVF or anybody associated with it. I know there are folks within the MVT who may have some negative thoughts for the HMVF but these in noway influenced the decision the direct payment decision. It has to be remembered that out of the 6900 MVT membership there may be some members who are not in favour of 'club funds' being handed out. There are some MV owners who think that club funds should be spent on members only. In the Brum Area at our December meeting we had a vote to see what the opinion of members was on the subject. The vote was 100% in favour of the MVT donation. I have e mailed Jack privatley on this subject. I have not spoken to the MVT Com for a couple of weeks so I don't know whether the NVA have been told the exact figure hence me not saying what it is, but it is CONSIDERABLY more than £2000-00. The MVT Com will be making an announcement as soon as it has been confirmed that the payment can be made under the terms of the constitution. There are certain legal processes that have to be gone through to ensure that that the payment can be made. The MVT is a registered charity and charities donating to charities have to be carefuly monitored. I Know somebody is going to say "No they don't!" but you're going to look pretty stoopid if you hand over the money and then have to ask for it back because the right procedures have not been followed. As the MVT has had a substancial amount of money payed back through Gift Aid the last thing the MVT want is to have to pay that money back because of a slight indiscretion making a donation to the NVA or similar. Hence the delay in making an announcement and also why it is been payed direct. Sorry for the long reply but I was trying to cover all areas. But trust me it is a lot more than £2000-00.


If any MVT members who read this are not in favour of the payment would they contact either Preston Isaacs MVT Chairman or Alan Cogdel MVT Treasurer so that their thoughts on the subject can be registered.


I should add that I have not been asked or directed by the MVT CoM to do this posting but as I was the CoM meeting when this was discussed and voted on then I felt perhaps I should record the facts as they were. There were 5 other area secretaries/chairmen at the CoM who if they read this Forum could confirm this.


Phil Palmer


Birmingham & West Midlands Area

Military Vehicle Trust.



Thats excellent news Phil,

Thanks for putting us in the picture. Any news from the MVT on how much they are donating to the NVA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated again :)


With some more wonderful and kind donations we are now over 16 - do you hear that...SIXTEEN. How special is this place?!


Hats off to everyone - just 4 more to go to hit out target. This has been a very very special campaign in so many ways.....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
there's £20 sitting here,............just tell me how to paypal it, (have tried with jack at hmvf.co.uk, but it will not accept, needing e mail addy )


Anyone ???????




You can do it directly from the frontpage!

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Nearly there then. At the NOCS MVT meeting last night we had a book sale, raffle and auction and as a result raised a further £209.70 + with the £50 we raised the previous Month i am about to send you a cheque for £259.70.


Someone do the Maths. Are we there yet?


Tim (too)



Tim - you are a bit of alright you are!! And thank you very very much, your area have done hell of a job.


Thanks Neil and Andy too! Could someone explain to Andy how PayPal works (flipping youth of today).:coffee:

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Tim - you are a bit of alright you are!! And thank you very very much, your area have done hell of a job.


Thanks Neil and Andy too! Could someone explain to Andy how PayPal works (flipping youth of today).:coffee:


Not me this time Jack - I'm just the go-between. Thanks should go to Robin over in Ireland (another OT owner!!)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Did you receive the last cheque ok as the grand total has not changed.






Dear Tim!


Got it! Thank you very very much and my apologies in the delay in that - we are flat out down here, Sam's wife decides to have a their second baby (rather selfish of the baby to come whilst we are busy) so I have been on my own:cry: then yesterday the letter 'e' went on my key board have you ever seen this smilie - :computerrage: that was perfect for yesterday. You can't believe your whole business stops because of the letter 'e'


Plus have been working on something else too :cool2::cool2:


Nonetheless - the total has now been updated and with thank to Neil for his donation and to Stephen too! NOW JUST LOOK AT THE TOTAL - look how close we are!!!!!!!!


Neil - got your PM and will find the answer to it.


Tim thank your MVT members for me on behalf of all of us - you have a wonderful group up there.


Kind regards,



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This could be good news folks - the media are now involved and on our side - the Daily Mail are running their own campaign to raise funds to the these heroes back out again!!






Could well be that enough £££'s will have been raised by all the joint efforts to put a total covering of egg on the Gov'ts face over this by getting ALL the veterans who want to go out there!!


We can but hope!!! :):):)

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