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Normandy 2009 65th Anniversary

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What an absolutely fantastic few days we had, despite some inclement weather on the Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon I would not have missed this for the world.

Got back at 1.30am this morning and was in at work at 9.30am so only just catching up with everything now. Have took over 500 photo's over the five days that we were there and having a quick look through them I think I have only taken the same vehicle a couple of times.

From start to finish though this was an excellent trip with something happening everyday that I'm able to look back on with fond memories. There was the excellent British re-enactment camp at Ver-sur-Mer with two 25 pounders on display. While it's not every day you see two DUKW's parked up on the side of the road as was the case in Asnelles where there was a big Belgium vehicle owner’s camp. There was also a nice small group of Dutch re-enactors in Bernieres-sur-Mer set up along the main drag.

We didn't really have much time to visit the American sector but the places we did go were very good. There was a good re-enactment camp at St Come du Mont behind the Dead Man's Corner Museum which had a number of nationalities on it. While just a bit further down the road towards Carentan there was an excellent display of over 100 vehicles by mainly French enthusiasts.

Saturday afternoon was spent at Arromanches and despite the bad weather we were still there (and why shouldn't we have been) to applaud the Veterans into the arena.

I saw a couple of HMVF related items, one being a sticker on a lovely restored AEC Matador which I saw around and about a couple of times. While I also saw a lady wearing a fleece yesterday evening on the ferry home but only saw her once before we headed upstairs.

Sunday afternoon was spent in Bayeux for a short period of time where we watched a parade of around 100 vehicles pass through the town centre in torrential rain. But to see two Sherman’s role past just feet in front was well worth getting rained on for!!!

Overall a brilliant trip, and one that I will do again one day to visit the numerous museums around Normandy that we were not able to take in this time around. Below are a few pictures of the above mentioned items.















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Those shots of the convoys on the beach from atop of the cliffs are just excellent.


Seeing your pictures certainly makes me miss my old Dukw. I never did manage to get it to Normandy.

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Cheers Clive, one more attached which was taken a bit closer to the cliff edge:sweat:

I think I saw about 12 different DUKW's in total, certainly the most I have ever seen in one place before. Below is a picture of one in the sea which I just managed to capture.



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I think that is ours hehe.

They are wo boh owned by allen crawford they were on arromanches beach for the ceremony on the 6th if you have any pics of them could you post them up please?

many thanks



I'm at work at the moment Al, but I have got some more pictures at home of them. I will post them up later on today once I get home.

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I saw a couple of HMVF related items, one being a sticker on a lovely restored AEC Matador which I saw around and about a couple of times. While I also saw a lady wearing a fleece yesterday evening on the ferry home but only saw her once before we headed upstairs.


That would have been me!!!!!!!!!!! Shame we never really met and had a chat, never mind eh!

The pictures of the convoy along the beach are wonderful thanks for posting them, I will study them closer to see if I can spot our truck amongst them.

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I spotted our GMC in one of those beach photos It's the 2nd trucks behind the Red cross vehicle in the convoy. We had a great trip staying a mile from Arromanches with the Belgium MVT. Will post some pictures when I get chance





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I spotted our GMC in one of those beach photos It's the 2nd trucks behind the Red cross vehicle in the convoy. We had a great trip staying a mile from Arromanches with the Belgium MVT. Will post some pictures when I get chance






Is this yours Steve?


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No problems private mw.


Right as I mentioned earlier, I don't think I have ever seen so many different DUKW's in one place at any one time. Below are the ones I photographed in Normandy along with four I have already put on this thread, whilst I also saw a French one but did not have chance to photograph it. With all these added together I have counted fourteen different DUKW’s!!!










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We had the 2 half tracks that were hooning around at aromanches for 2 days. One of them gave a ride to a veteran who had come ashore in a halftrack and had not been in one since.


Are these yours Grasshopper?



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Yup, those be ours. The one in the top photo has a diesel engine fitted, so the owner was happy playing around in the surf. He also loves giving rides which worked out well for anyone standing anywhere nearby whenever he stopped! Some cadets really enjoyed splashing through puddles on the beach in it. Seaweed on a hot exhaust does pong a bit thopugh...


I did get a little over-zealous with the other h/t and managed to get the rear end sliding sideways on the beach! Was great having that much space to play in. (We did keep speed well down anywhere near people thopugh).

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Yup, those be ours. The one in the top photo has a diesel engine fitted, so the owner was happy playing around in the surf.


We stopped on the same campsite as you then!!! You had a nice load on when all the different things were loaded onto the lorry as shown below.




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You know what - your end of the invasion zone was where it was all happening the US end was dead.


I think that must be down to the MVT aand IMPS turn out.




It might have been more to do with a certain US President's visit to that area, with all the restrictions. We were on the MVT camp which was situated just in the US sector and it was easy to visit both US and British beaches......up until the 6th when road restrictions came into place. There were many encampments besides the two main British clubs and scattered right across the region.

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I hear you Richard. We just couldn't move on Saturday. We were trying to get to the British sector which we did around 21:00.


Marine One flew over us three times at a height of around 500 feet - surrounded by Black Hawks. All I wanted to do was see our men :(


It must be hats off to the folks who organised the IMPS and MVT camps, vehicles on the beaches etc as that's what I would expect to see...


At St Mere Eglise - there was a 200 vehicle convoy through the town....200 brand new Harley Davidson's ON D-DAY FOR GOD SAKE. The crowds parted and the convoy came up through but no one waved at all...............

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I hear you Richard. We just couldn't move on Saturday. We were trying to get to the British sector which we did around 21:00.


At St Mere Eglise - there was a 200 vehicle convoy through the town....200 brand new Harley Davidson's ON D-DAY FOR GOD SAKE. The crowds parted and the convoy came up through but no one waved at all...............


We were lodged at Saint Honorine, and managed to slip through the net on the morning of the 6th with only minutes to spare.

Ah yes, the Harleys...I'd been trying to forget about them. I suppose that I'm being harsh, but I did get the impression that they were missing the point somewhat..

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