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Haylp: LGV Hazard perception


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Just got my driving licence back with provisional for C/C1/D (lasts 20 years so figured I might as well get the lot!) and booked my theory tests.


I'm pretty happy with the questions, but the hazard perception (Tuesday!) has me bricking it :shake: Been driving cars for 7 years without any problems, but how hard is it? I keep hearing horror stories and really need to pass soon.


Any tips to stop a major f*ckup very welcome!



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The problem with the hazard perception is that it is completly stupid! The computer only scores at the point just before the incident happens. If as you have been, you've been driving, you spot the potential hazard to early for the computer to score it. As I said to my instructor after taking the PCV test. 'If I got into the position where I had to react , you'd rip my head off and mess with the hole for not reacting earlier'. There is a computer game disc that will help you. As an extra joy if 'you are driving commercialy, or the main part of your job is driving', then you have to take the Driver CPC. If however you're only driving private or the main driving is concerned with enginerring ,or you only drive as a small part of the job, then you don't need it. If you can work it out, please explain to the rest of us. The best answer would be to introduce a 'commentary drive' to the test. That's how the real proffesional do it!

Edited by Tony B
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Top tip, I have had to take the test 3 times and passed it each time. At the point you would brake or swerve - click the button. Eg a pedestrian walking towards the road across the path is a potential hazard but the scoring window only comes live when they actually step off the path in front of you.


Pm me with your address and I will send you a practice disc.

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Thanks in no small part to your helpful suggestions I passed with 74/100. Thank you!


Now on to the main theory test...




Best suggestion I can make is to buy the DSA Guide to Driving Large Vehicles and read it cover to cover........all the answers are in there and the DSA practice disc (100 questions now)

And practice, practice and practise!!!!

If you do get stuck on question go for the safest answer!!

(Good luck from a DSA registered LGV Instructor)

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  • Read the blurb on the box and, if you're feeling up to it, the warning sheet that comes with it as well. Better safe than sorry.
  • Only take aspirin WITH or better yet immediately AFTER food - it rots the stomach lining, causing ulcers. I know this as I'm on a daily dose of the stuff (along with other stuff). Better safe than sorry (esp as it causes holes in the stomach!)


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