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The Fun Police


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On channel 4 now...


Where's CW...bet he's throwing stuff at the TV...:rofl:


The Fun Police

9pm, Channel 4

Health and Safety inspectors: cabbages or kings? Here's a small, smirking film on the people behind the clipboards to help you decide. Cameras follow long-suffering Pauline as she's chased out of Dunstable's premier nail bars by a series of aggrieved beauticians. Tubas blow raspberries at tense jobsworth Ed, who probably sleeps in a giant oven glove, lest a stray spark from next door's faulty toaster reduces his pyjamas (stripes aligned in accordance with Health & Safety Executive guidelines) to steaming ash. In a word: unhelpful.

Edited by Marmite!!
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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Proably be on the website to watch again. Get plenty of ammunition in! :cool2:

Are you stalking me:rofl:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Couldn't watch it - saw the first ten minutes and had to turn the box off - with proper regard to switching off the supply and unplugging in a safe manner of course . :-D


This is a Common Sense Area .

Now i really wont to see it.:argh:

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I thought it was brilliant! I loved the way it was filmed and edited to make the Inspectors look like a load of prats. The one in his kitchen demonstrating how to dry the floor !!! :-)


I liked it when the women couldn't do a damn thing about that blokes workshop because he didn't employ anybody. She doesn't like loosing does she.



And could you imagine being stuck in a room with any of them.




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Seriously though, why do most television documentries always make people look stupid and decry the subject of the story?

It's like the saying 'We are all guilty until proved innocent'

Having just completed many weeks of college lectures and finaly two exams today on the dreaded subject, after that airing of what is really a very worthy cause, I feel I should shrink into the ground. I would be better treated if I were a Traffic Warden!


We are here really for everyones health and welfare.....................................honest!




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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Watched it,bit dissapointed realy.had pills ready to put under me tongue.That chap in the garage wants kicking up and down the high st working like that.Found myself strangely sympathetic for the inspectors.Oh dear whats happened.:nut:

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Watched it,bit dissapointed realy.had pills ready to put under me tongue.That chap in the garage wants kicking up and down the high st working like that.Found myself strangely sympathetic for the inspectors.Oh dear whats happened.:nut:


Are you not feeling well

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Having thought about this i think its a government plot,there was obviously a subliminal message in the film flashed up to brain wash me.

I thought it poorly put together,it concentrated on That poor man,some fairly sensable precautions when it comes to machinary.And the garage well that had to be a set up.There are so many absolute maniacal inspectors out there trying to bully people into things that make no sence at all.snooping ,cameras,paying for imfo,its true.A lost opportunity by them,i wonder why,highly suspicious,sorry if my responce was dissapointing,but we must think of Jacks blood pressure.Off to the scrapheap challenge to sort this engine out.fight amongst yourselves till i get back.Have a good wk end.CW.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
i was once told that there is no such thing as an accident, just a lack of concentration :-D



Was that just before you had the accident:-D

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The problem for these people seems to be keeping things in perspective. The first H&S course that I went on was set to be a boring day. So much so that whilst people were settling down & chattering the lecturer put on a video. Unfortunately for me it was a football match which only compounded the intense boredom & resentment for being there. Not just having to watch football, but losing a day’s pay & having to pay to go on the course.


Whilst we sat there chattering, gradually eyes became fixed to the screen & the conversation dwindled away as we stared at the screen to see smoke was engulfing the crowd in the stadium. What we were being required to watch was a football match on 15 April 1989 at Hillsborough Stadium in which 96 people died. Having softened up the audience we were told that there were no H&S policies in operation, no risk assessments etc & that was why H&S is important. Fair enough.


But I contracted a H&S consultant to draw up a policy for me at work it all got rather silly. Legally I didn’t need one as I had under 5 employees, but I must have considered all the H&S implications of my business. But I couldn’t prove that I had done so unless I had a written policy, so the exemption meant nothing. He expected me to draw up a H&S committee of 5 members & post notices of our monthly meetings. Well I only had two employees. Various stuff like how often did the fluorescent light cover get cleaned. I said when it is dirty or if I see a dead fly in it. Although it was clean, as I had cleaned it the week before, that was invalid as I hadn’t a written protocol. So I was in effect guilty of not having cleaned it.


By some irony a very much living fly flew at the H&S man, so I quickly dispatched it with a puff of fly spray. I thought he would be grateful but no, I had broken the rules as the fly spray didn’t have a COSHH label. Anybody could go into Superdrug can buy the same thing but apparently it is illegal to use it in the work place, even after hours if was just me & a fly there.


I offered him a cup of tea, but he asked where would I get the water from? I showed him the tap but he said there was no sign saying that it was ‘Drinking water’. I said I would make up a sign. No that wasn’t good enough, “How did I know it was drinkable?” The fact that the flat above me & the business premises below used the same mains supply from our water supply company was not definitive proof that it was drinkable!


I was advised to contact the water supply company seeking confirmation that the water supplied to my premises was fit for human consumption. The water supply company declined to do this and instead sent me a 14-page chemical analysis dated 2 weeks before. They suggested I seek the services of an analytical chemist to advise me on the suitability of the water for human consumption. This of course was only valid for the water drunk 2 weeks previously.


I thought I would be pretty safe with sterile water in sealed glass ampoules. Although even this water ‘expires’ after a while & must be safely disposed of. But I suspect these water molecules have been on the planet for some millions of years without expiring.


Anyway every substance I used had to have a COSHH data sheet & this includes the poor old harmless (unless it has expired!) water. The sheet tells you the action to be taken if you spill any on the skin or in the eyes. Yes it has to be washed away immediately …with more water. Now the dilemma is, do I wait 2 weeks for a report from the water company & the analytical chemist to report or do I open another ampoule of sterile water & wash it away ah but …….


That’s what devalues the whole concept of H&S into bureaucratic zeal & intrusion into the realms of common sense.:argh::argh::argh::

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