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Epic trip to the Nurbergring and Spa

Lord Burley

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I undertook,what must be the best trip of the year last week.When with a group of others,we took on the Nurbergring in Germany,and Spa in Belgium.With the meet set for 12.00pm sat,it was a short trip across via the eurotunnel.Once the other side it was a quick top up,before the journey across country........





I calculated that after the first stop,i could have done the trip to Germany on one tank.But with speeds no lower than 120mph,we were soon stopping again.At 200mls in the next stop was deep in Belgium.




By now we are running close for time.And had to be at the Am Tiergarten in Nurberg (our hotel) for 5.30.Once we reach the German border,then its time to open the taps on the Vette,and pick up the pace.Which reached 172mph.


We get to the hotel with time to spare.And have made the 400mile journey in 3hrs 45 mins.


Its now time to kick back and have a drink or two,or maybe more looking at the state of me............




The hotel and the Pistenklausse restaurant are owned and run by the Schmitz family.Some of you may have seen episodes of Top Gear,where there very talented daughter Sabine can handle a car around the Nurbergring.One thing you have to have in the restaraunt is the steak.Its served virtually raw,on a hot stone,that cooks as you eat it.Top class.


Day two and its our time to take on the Nurbergring.....




On arrival,we find the track covered in thick fog.Its not until four hours later that the track is opened and the deluge begins.


For £400 euro,s you can hire this M5 and driver who will give you a ride around the ring.It must have been some ride.As everyone that returned was throwing up.




With a packed track,there was bound to be incidents.And in all some 20 cars were written off on the day.there were so many closures,that it didnt look like i was going to get on.I had made the mistake of buying a Nurbergring sticker before hand.The unwritten rule is,that you cant put the sticker on,until you have completed two laps of the Ring.So with it looking further and further away,it was looking like i was making the 160mile round trip from our hotel in Belgium the following morning to complete it................................



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Rick.It really is a great place to visit.The PistenKlausse is steeped in history,and has a great atmosphere.The place is covered in graffiti from its visitors over the years.Including some of the greats including Fangio,Moss,Surtees,Lauda,Hunt,Peters.


Anyway.With us still in the paddock.We just sat and waited for our turn to go out......


Me enjoying the company of the prancing horse.One of our groups Ferrari,s.......




And enjoying the views...




The rest of the group,had a little trepidation,on going out on to the track.As the previous year.They turned up in the TVR,s with RAF roundels on the doors,and Blackpool bombers tagged above it.:rotfl:.It didnt go down to well with track officials.


Anyway.The group decided we werent going to get on today.So made the move to our next stop.Which was in Belgium.To say we were gutted was an understatement.It meant doing the trip again the following morning.We grouped at the village of Adenau,3 miles from the track.It was here,that it was pointed out that we could join the track at Adenau.there was no que of cars,and this was our chance.We managed to blag our way past the official,with some cock and bull story that he didnt understand.And we were on.............



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The Nurbergring,can be a very daunting track.13 miles in lenth,that has claimed the lives of over 200 hundred drivers over the years.For anyone that hasnt done any track driving before.Your first lap should be a scrutineering lap.Work out your turn in and out,and how to attack the apex,s.Our first lap round,was with out helmets.Properly giving it some meant the head wear to be donned.We saw too many go out,who clearly had no experiance,of any track.Let alone the Ring.This was the result of someone who approached a blind crest to find the track,went in to an immediate right hander.they hit the Armco,with horrendous results.................






Thats cost the owner a lot of money.One £80,000+Porsche turbo.The £1300 cost of the dead lift from the track(i kid you not) plus the cost of any damaged Armco,at 130 euro,s per section.With our time at the ring over.It was time for a small group photo......


Vette after the laps...




Group photo...




Its now time to head for Spa...


And enjoy some more spirited driving.....






We finally arrive at Spa and our hotel for the night....




Tomorrow we travel in to historic Spa.

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Looks like you all had fun!! :) :)


I did the Ring in 1995 as part of a Saab rally - went around in a '74 Type 95 V4. Lost the brakes halfway round as they overheated and completed the circuit with no brakes.

Wife was in the pasenger seat and the first she knew of the "small problem" was when we went through the finish a wee bit too fast!! That was fun.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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To be honest.A play station is a good place to start.It might not give you the feel of the track.But it will give you some idea on where the turns are,and how best to hit the apex.Some that were there last sunday would have been best off going down that route.



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