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No need to say any more about the stunning restoration of this vehicle done by ToocleverMike. It is brilliant. It now lives with me in Essex. I should have been at Mayhem, but stuff came up on Friday which put an end to that. Sorry.


So, here is the MUTT in Westcliff On Sea. She is class. There are a couple of oil leaks to investigate but this is hardly shocking from a 37 year old machine. I am totally made up....cheers Mike!



MUTTathome (1).jpg



Hi Mark,


Now I can look forward to putting the kettle on as visiting Ashingdon is a valid excuse for a drive!



that had mostly to do with the axle design on the first generation MUTTS the drive shaft axles had a single u/v joint close to the diff. for each wheel which in hard corning cause the outside wheel to tuck under and roll the vehicle in the later models they used two u/v joints per drive shaft axle to keep the camber the same as the wheel moved up and down they also added rollcages and web netting .A number of vehicles were sold at auction before the government change policy and all MUTTS had to be X cut and crushed usually a Bulldozer sometimes a ARV tank .


Nice MUTT Mark.


As I understand it - reference to the bad handling was a fault with the A1 model. The A2 - which is the model you have - has far superior handling than the A1.


I am sure any Mutt people out there will confirm the above.




It is very stable, even with my driving.....:coffee:


All correct on the handling....the A2 is a pussycat. I am trying to wreck the gear box going from second into third, but I am actually doing very well with the driving. This is me talking about a jeep - not a bloody wrecker...I guess its what you're used to.


Mrs Barnes does not like the MUTT experience any more than she liked the Iltis ...and she HATED (DOUBLE UNDERLINED - IN LUMINOUS BOLD TYPE) the Iltis.


I believe there are twenty or so in the UK.


I have to admit to having joined the MUTT owners forum G383.com I've been chatting with a Texas based Brit who has several Mutts, a Ferret and a Fox and an Abbot out there. Told him about the Friendly Forum and hopefully he'll have a look.






BUT I MIGHT HAVE MEANT G.838 - I'm number blind.


it has it's own forum/club. For a good look you should visit Ken the Muttguru's website Ken's mutt page. It is vast and a bit bonkers in a very good way.




The gearbox was a recon unit we fitted at W&P last year, and has hardly done any miles so is still bedding in. I found the last time i drove it that if you do second to third a bit slower, it didn't crunch.


Nice Mutt Snap - enjoy and ignore the rest of them !

Had a good look at the couple Brian Boys had when we bought the Snow Trac , although I'd already spent all my pocket money I was extremely tempted . They were A2's too so at least I knew it wouldn't fall over when I went round a corner :-D


Just for completeness here:


M151 was supposedly the worst because the rear suspension was pivoted longitudinally along almost the centre line of the vehicle (like on a beetle). This and its light weight combined to cause the rear wheels to tuck under under tight, fast cornering, and over it would go. The biggest problem was that there was no warning or sense that it was about to go, it just flipped.


M151A1 had an improved suspension set up but still basically the same.


M151A2 (Mark's) had a re-designed rear end with the arms pivoting across the vehicle, just behind the front seats. These were much more stable. Mechanically the front end was unchanged from the M151 right through.


There are, however, 2 more points of view to this story:


1. that actually MUTTs were probably no more prone to flipping than wartime jeeps when driven spiritedly by testosterone-fuelled 18 year olds.


2. That GM etc. worked to exaggerate the MUTT's poor reputation in order to stop the US military flooding the market with them on release and destroying the market for their new 4x4s.


- Mike

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