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This guy pulls no punches


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The following was posted on Ebay after the guy selling

his Willys jeep said he would not sell to any Asian country


"Q: Why not you jeep can't sell to Asia? I want to buy. I am in china. My friend is in the United States. Can I buy?



A: Sir, I'm glad you asked that question the answer might be a bit complicated for you. But, here we go: The answer is....Because prior to WW2 the US sold various materials to the asians who used those materials against us from Pearl Harbor to Japan in the form of bullets and ships and tanks and airplane and etc. Then during World War Two, your Japanese friends ate the legs off of my great uncle Frank Raley who was killed in the Battle of Sanananda and later recovered by advancing troops from his unit. A year later the Japs executed my cousin (a B-25 pilot) and his whole crew after capturing them near Moim in New Guinea....in the name of the Emporer of Japan. A war crime. And, during the Korean war your Chinese ancestors helped to torture my uncle who was a medic that was captured at the Chosin Reservoir. And, in the Vietnam war the Chinese were the main line of support for North Vietnam and the NVA that ended up killing more than 57,000 american troops....some of whom were friends of mine, some of whom were related to me and all of whom were fighting for something that I cherish and hold dear and that you could not even begin to understand. Therefore.. I wouldn't intentionally sell a sack of horse crap much less a historical jeep to anyone from China or Japan or Asia in general.... That is why. Told you it was a complicated answer. But that is as honest as I can be with the reason."


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Probably a scam anyway, he would send a bankers draft for an amount over the price to include shipping then get you to send the surplus to his friend in the USA. Time you have done that, the bank will tell you it was a dud, and you have already sent the money. They are not intereted in the vehicle. The amount of replies I have had like that, selling vehicles on Milweb. They used to originate from Nigeria, but now the emails come from all over. You can always tell by the fact they are so keen to buy but do not ask for photos or more info.



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Hi Kewelde,


And they always want to know "what is your last very best price of vehicle"


I send them all nice polite replys in which I suggest they shove their head in a warm dark place and leave it there :twisted: :twisted:



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Are they not genuinr buyers then :shock: :?:




You not heard of this scam? It is usually done with vehicles, etc. on web site adverts. Milweb is a big attraction for them, every time you put an ad on there, Nigel puts a warning regarding them. They used to be nicknamed "the boys from Nigeria" or similar, but they seem to come from all over now, going by the web address and time difference on the messages. I know quite a few people who nearly got caught, just luck they mention it to someone and were warned. Definitely not genuine buyers, just want to pass a bouncy draft to you, for more than is asked then for you to send the excess on to another bank. In the mean time, your bank has told you it was a fraud.....too late.


Be warned, if you advertise and get an email with odd spelling and grammer, and are very keen to pay by bankers draft, delete it.



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lets just ferget the millions of people the americans an their 'leaders' have murdered around the world for most of their un-just wars.


Excuse Me Sir Neville Chamberlain !


I am one of those "Americans"!


I take exception to your unsubstantiated tripe!


Which un-just war would you be talking about....World War I ?, World War II ?, The Berlin Airlift ?, The Cold War ?, Korea ?, Vietnam ?, Somalia ?, Desert Shield/Desert Storm ?, Iraqi Freedom ?....




I deeply appreciate the British commitment to work as "allies" in ridding the world of worthless Savage killers....


Next time you need a hand...who you gonna call...Chirac?

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Yep, also had those guys. One called himsael Dr Acusa Wash, no specific questions or such. He wanted to buy and pay by cheque.

Also the way it was written didn't sound like a MV type of buyer more like a Rolls Royce type.


Just beware!!


Had one of those last week puporting to be from the Foreign Investment desk of Nat West - quite aside from the odd grammar it seems I now live in the headquarters of Nat West bank. Yep - they'd actually got my home adress as the business address to refer to....... :? :?

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Hi Bill,


Well said.


Britain and the United States have been allies for a long time and I for one am glad of that fact.my main interest is US military history and it is through that interest that I got into military vehicles.


It is an undeniable fact that without America's involvement the Nazi's would have prevailed during WW2,even before the US offically became involved you guys were supplying us with food,oil,equipment etc etc etc.


I personally agree with the war on terror and firmly believe that WMD or not,removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do.I have friends serving in Iraq and they are of the same opinon.too bad there are those who don't support our troops.



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When I was selling my Morris Minor Convertible, 99% of the intrest was from those's scammers, I was even contacted by the Anti Fruad Squad, as for the war on terror anyone who kills over 300,000 of their own people in less than a month has to be removed from power, even if we did put him there, so I fully support those in Iraq and those that have returned.



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Bowie,what exactly makes you say the war in Vietnam was "un-just"? have you a good grasp of the history of the Vietnam war?,which by the way goes way back before the American involvement.if the war was so un-just why were the South Vietnamese fighting both before and after the Americans were involved? you must remember that the South didn't fall untill 1975.


There are a number of popular myths about Vietnam,one being that it was "an American war",it wasn't.there were British,Australian,New Zealand and Thai troops over there not to mention the ARVN who were fighting for their own country.also not forgetting the French.


In truth the Vietnam war was no more "un-just" that any other.you could say that the bombing of German cities during WW2 was un-just,or dropping the atom bombs on Japan.WW1 virtually wiped out an entire generation of young Brits.


What started this thread was the story of the guy on ebay who refused to sell his Jeep to China,well if it were me I wouldn't sell it to China or Japan either! does that make me a racist? well if it does then I guess I am.



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As this seems to have turned into a thread on the morals and ethics of war I suggest anyone interested should take the time to read this site...




In fact I reccomend that everyone,interested or not,should read the cases listed on the site.


Of the countries listed it is interesting that we are the only one to refuse to pardon our own troops who were shot.



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