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Guys and St Thomas' Hospital London


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Today i had to vist my very ill 4 month year old nepew in Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital London, and would like to thank all the very professional and dedicated staff there who put others before themselfs....But this in nothing new for Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital...


During world war 2 Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital was in a velnerable position,with the shipping and opposite the houses of parliament, it suffered direct hits from high explosive bombs and incendairies during the blitz with serious damage to its buildings, in spite of this the hospital never closed and continued to offer emergancy treatment..operating theatres where moved to the basment..windows where darkend and taped, dimmed lamp where fitted to all entrances, 30,000 sandbags where filled for barricades, and staff where put on rotas for patrol work during bomb raids.


Without electric lights and functioning solely on hurracaine lamps and often without hot water they had to sterilise instrurments with primus stoves...the streets outside where littered with shell fragments and wreckage after every night raid but nothing could deter the hospital beforming its daliy dutys..The doors of st thomas where always open and staff worked under conditions of appalling danger and discomfort, but thanks to there efforts, not a single patient was lost though enermy action...But sadley several staff where killed in the bombing....


A time to rember those who put others before themselfs in even in holiday periods...




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