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Mystery location 1

Great War truck

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Well done everyone. They are indeed ammo bunkers.


width=600 height=800http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/Greatwartruck/DSCN0958.jpg[/img]


Wrong location though. It is in fact the "Green River" ammunition plant in Illinois USA.


Here is some more info about it


The Green River Ordnance Plant, also known as the Green River Arsenal, was a large munitions factory complex between Dixon and Amboy in Lee County, Illinois.


It was rapidly constructed in 1942 and just as quickly shut down in 1945. Stewart-Warner Corporation operated the complex to produce rocket-propelled bazooka ammunition for use during World War II. [1]


It lies on the south side of U.S. Highway 30.



The photos are ammunition storage bunkers and gosh there is a lot of them. This particular cluster consisted of 30 and there were many more alongside the road. For miles as you drive down the highway there are individual factorys very well spaced away from each other. They were all closed at the end of the war and left and are now in a bad state of repair. Of course being in the USA they are very concerned about people hurting themselves so they are well fenced off with lots of warning signs preventing you getting too close (or in fact anywhere near them). The bunkers however you can walk all over if you feel the urge. I was quite suprised to see that all the doors had been newly painted. I couldnt get in though as they were rusted shut.


Well there you go, thats what i was doing on Boxing day 2004. Mad as a brush.


Tim (too)


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handy if it goes pear shape. there was a munitions depot somewher in yorkshire I think went up in WW2 fortunatley it was only a partial, or it would have been Lake yorkshire. Can anyone supply thedetails? It has ben kept very quiet.



It was at RAF Fauld in Staffordshire, 1944. The biggest explosion in the UK.

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