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Nazi gold train found in Poland?

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Improbable Andrew Liptak

8/29/15 10:33am


As a geophysicist who actually works with GPR: Seriously?


First, the train is going to have to be physically buried. If it’s simply in an old tunnel that’s been sealed off with a big air gap around the train, GPR isn’t going to see it at all. This means that somebody dug a hole and actually dropped the train into it. Maybe they dug a trench next to the tracks and just pushed it over sideways.


Second, being able to say definitively that it has gun turrets is pretty dubious. It’s going to depend on how big they are and how they’re oriented relative to the rest of the train, but unless they’re pretty big and sticking out solidly from the rest of the mass, they’re going to be really tough to discern.


Given that the Nazis would presumably want to recover the train at some point, burying the entire train in the ground seems like a terrible idea.

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Well, No Hitler Diaries, or Trucks loaded with gold in Lakes. have been located for a few years, so I guess it's about time we had a another 'Good Story' in the News!


Yep, we are well overdue some tales of Former Nazi loot!.....:laugh:


Human nature being what it is. I guess we would all pretty much like this to be true. But Reality is somewhat different! :-X


As the war has long ended. IF & I stress IF. this story just happens to be true. Then anyone who was connected with the train. May well be long dead/ killed in Action / Executed / Murdered to prevent them from taking action/passing the info on. To preserve security Etc. We all know what certain sections of the Third Reich were like!......:undecided:


It is likely a fable/ Tale Fairy story. BUT, wouldn't it be very interesting if it were True?.................:red:


As an aside, in my view. There wouldn't be 'Gun Turrets' on this Fabled train. In Reality, there WOULD be quad mounted 20mm Flak gun's on Rail flat Cars. Manufacturing a 'Specific' type of Armoured Train, would have drawn attention that would have been unwanted!............Jut my own thought's on this topic!....:angel:

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It's a German one.

Panzertriebwagen Nr 16 (PzTrWg 16 or PT 16).Russian 76,2 mm FK 295/1 gun in a turret. Similar with a 105mm howitzer.

Other versions had panzerIV turrets, Flakvierling or 37mm Flak guns, flat beds with (often) Pz38t on them, that had ramps to off-load & pursue partisan attackers, others mounted complete, obsolete, French tanks or some of "Bekker's Funnies" on them.




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As soon as the GPR discussion started the odds of reality has dropped. As with what Ruxy said GPR is as blind as a mole and relies on the homogeneity of the dirt (an inexact science at best).


Last I looked GPR looking at the depths discussed would be even worse plus bulking but no-one noticed these guys trundling around the countryside with a 4x4 towing the GPR. Still hope something gets dug up but the rent a crowd experts the news media always drag in take logic and throw it out the window.

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As soon as the GPR discussion started the odds of reality has dropped. As with what Ruxy said GPR is as blind as a mole and relies on the homogeneity of the dirt (an inexact science at best).


Last I looked GPR looking at the depths discussed would be even worse plus bulking but no-one noticed these guys trundling around the countryside with a 4x4 towing the GPR. Still hope something gets dug up but the rent a crowd experts the news media always drag in take logic and throw it out the window.




Scroll down for photograph of drilling-rig :-




There is a possibility (think positive) , if IF these toolpushers have been drilling on sound information and broken through the roof of a cavern , then a conventional camera probe could have been lowered.




It is a standard type rig as used for drilling on top of a quarry face , bore hole abt. 4" dia.

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As soon as the GPR discussion started the odds of reality has dropped. As with what Ruxy said GPR is as blind as a mole and relies on the homogeneity of the dirt (an inexact science at best).




Now that people are mentioning the Amber Room, the odds of success are dropping like a stone ;)




ps: thanks Pzkpfw-e, I had no idea where the armoured train originally came from :)

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QUOTE from the DM.


Holding up an old black and white wartime photo showing a man and two young boys standing outside a house with a tiled roof, Slowikowski said: 'This house used to overlook the track.


'From the top window you could see everything coming and going on the railway line. On the 5th of May 1945, the family living there were all shot dead and the house razed to the ground. It was three days before the Soviets took the town.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3216741/A-family-brutally-murdered-secret-police-threats-deathbed-confession-Treasure-hunter-spent-40-years-searching-Nazi-gold-train-reveals-dark-secrets.html#ixzz3kOlm3IZg

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Now look at the rear of the car in photograph background , seems post WW2 design , therefore photograph later than the stated - 5th of May 1945.


In a way looks something like a Renault Dauphine ?

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QUOTE from the DM.





Now look at the rear of the car in photograph background , seems post WW2 design , therefore photograph later than the stated - 5th of May 1945.


In a way looks something like a Renault Dauphine ?


Yep, never knew the FSO Syrena was produced in wartime:rolleyes:


Speaking of photographs, did anyone notice the warhistoryonline item on the train? There's a photo mentioning a second, missing train, which shows a soldier in american uniform in it. Wasn't missing for very long was it?

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Scroll down for photograph of drilling-rig :-




There is a possibility (think positive) , if IF these toolpushers have been drilling on sound information and broken through the roof of a cavern , then a conventional camera probe could have been lowered.




It is a standard type rig as used for drilling on top of a quarry face , bore hole abt. 4" dia.


“Lawyers, the army, the police and the fire brigade are dealing with this,” Marika Tokarska, an official at the Walbrzych district council, told Reuters.


This is all getting a bit Dads-Army-church-hostage esq.

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It's a German one.

Panzertriebwagen Nr 16 (PzTrWg 16 or PT 16).Russian 76,2 mm FK 295/1 gun in a turret. Similar with a 105mm howitzer.

Other versions had panzerIV turrets, Flakvierling or 37mm Flak guns, flat beds with (often) Pz38t on them, that had ramps to off-load & pursue partisan attackers, others mounted complete, obsolete, French tanks or some of "Bekker's Funnies" on them.





So THAT'S how they protected all the Pies that went to the Whermacht equivalent of the N.A.F.F.I..............:D

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