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Getting involved in film work


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I've been helping filming and providing 4x4’s for 20 years working on major films and TV in my spare time. Due to my skills Ive made some big money rebuilding landrovers to spec and providing logistics but it is very ad Hoc work, usually at ten minutes notice to their demands. I'm lucky in that Ireland has a small film comunity and I'm well known for providing what's needed and being adaptable . If you have one wagon don't expect it to be correct for the TV needs they will want to repaint it and remove all the bits you spent years getting! And it's up to you to drive it, fuel it and guarentee it won't break down! Don't expect to make money, enjoy the experience and IF you turn a profit reinvest it in the vehicle.




Sent from my ONE TOUCH 983 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks for the replies

Well thats what I expected really, but it may allow me to run my truck as a tax loss if nothing else also the experiance doing it.

Im not too precious over it really, Its going to need smartening up but concurs is not a option for me a military truck it was never shiny.

Oh its a 1953 fordson Thames ET6. Im just trying to figure out what to do with it really.

Is there any agency's I can register It with or people in the know??

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Thanks for the replies

Well thats what I expected really, but it may allow me to run my truck as a tax loss if nothing else also the experiance doing it.

Im not too precious over it really, Its going to need smartening up but concurs is not a option for me a military truck it was never shiny.

Oh its a 1953 fordson Thames ET6. Im just trying to figure out what to do with it really.

Is there any agency's I can register It with or people in the know??


the people in the know are very protective and dont pass much on to be honest...

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I had the same ideas when I resurrected my Hudson Commodore.....

.......and a quick trawl on the WWW revealed loads of websites that you can register with ...that all... more or less promise 'work waiting' for both TV and films......and.....none of which have so far in my personal experience delivered 'work' nor come to that..... even any vague inquiries of 'work' in any way shape or form :)

a portion of the latest episode of Star Wars was filmed a few months ago just down the road from me ....they didn't have a lot of use for a 1946 Sedan though ! :):):)

I think it's down to a bit of luck and a lot of 'who do you know' as to whether you ever get any work or not to be honest :)

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Have had vehicles used 4-5 times in films and TV work

In all of those cases people found me!!

Quite lucrative but boring!!

loads of sitting around waiting

The last was with my MW in a series called Island at War (Channel Islands)

Was on the Isle of Man for three days, one days filming and the net result

10 seconds of my truck in the background!!!!

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A possible solution might be to register yourself as an extra with the appropriate casting agencies. I did this last year - mainly out of desperation to earn some money somewhere - and if/when you get a placement start talking to the film crews (not the cast! :-)) Had a few jobs thus far, average pay being £90 to £100/day for a non-speaking part and a heady £120 for a 1 liner. During breaks for things like teas/coffee/lunch you tend to get asked why you wanted to do it - the answer of "I need to pay for an expensive addiction" usually gets raised eyebrows and a lot more questions. If you are lucky the directors/producers/props people or whoever is responsible for that side of things will take note -especially of non-normal things like armour... Have to say no vehicle related work has surfaced to date - but the work I have had has paid the fuel bills etc.

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I've had a bit to do with TV shows and a couple of movies with some of my vehicles.


It started with in the 1980's with the then mega TV series "The Anzacs" then "The Light Horseman"," My Brother Jack", a few minors and recently, currently on Australian TV, "The Other Anzacs" with my 1916 Albion A10. 3 tonner GS truck.


I have made quite a bit out of it and it is up to you to negotiate the deal.


The last one saw a good handful of money. Two trips to Adelaide (flying from Melbourne), accommodation and a hire car. The truck was tilt-bedded to and from and fully insured by the production company.


When I went to hand in an invoice for the Chev Staff Car use in "My brother Jack", I was SPOTTED and became an extra as well. In "The Other Anzacs" I was used in long distance shots as in their words "Your not a pimply faced youth anymore!"


It is fun doing the work and you get to meet the stars etc. I purchased a copy of the book behind "The Other Anzacs" and had all the stars and production team sign it for me. Certainly something to add to the trucks history and providence.


Here is a publicity shot from "The Other Anzacs"


Regards Rick.


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I have heard stories relating to MVs being used and abused in film work, where the owner arrived to collect his precious MV only to learn it had been blown up in a sequence. As each film is managed by a Limited Company specifically set up to limit the liability its no good getting them to insure your MV, as the Ltd Co is likely to get dissolved asap once the film is shot, so there isn't going to be anyone on your side to help with a claim. The lesson to be learned is insure the vehicle yourself for the specific film and cover it for all risks!

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