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Alternate paint and rust removal advice.


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I'm currently restoring a German Lafette 42 machine gun tripod (not strictly vehicle related), however, I need some additional advice on paint and rust stripping.

Obviously I want keep costs down and I need to consider alternatives to blasting since there are parts which are a bit sensitive such as the ele/trav block, leather wipers within the cradle etc.


In regards to the paint removal I have read that vehicle and furniture restorers use Caustic Soda with great success. However, will this be effective on the remains of the German primer and paint (or what remains) and then the liberal top coat of post-war Austrian green?


When it comes to rust and stain removal my initial thoughts were to use Jenolite liquid but it is a bit pricey when I may want to soak large components. I then came across the use of Molasses and water which, according to Youtube, seems to be very effective.


Have any of you had experience of these alternate cleaning agents and how effective they are on 60/70 year old paint and rust?




Edited by Tommygun
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There are some chunky, cast aluminium parts present on the frame. Will there actually be a perceivable loss of the alloy while it is soaking? Pitting or other loss? What sort of time frame might I be looking at?




It will eventually disappear, it also produces hydrogen gas, that burns well.

Here is a video with aluminium foil.




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I have used it as a stripping bath and Caustic Soda will slowly remove everything down to bare metal.


Do not use on Aluminium or foil printed labels and plates as they are foil and will dissapear.


It eats anything with Aluminium in like a Pirhanna.........


Make sure you wash off with lots of cold water and dry / treat soon as possible as then same as virgin steel.


Best of luck.

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Would you reccomend caustic soda to unblock the petrol tank & fuel line on my Austin, it has a couple of cms of a tar like substance in the bottom which I suspect is very old petrol.

I am worried what it will do to copper pipes & the soldered joints ? will it disolve them ?

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Blasting with corn flour is quite effective like soda blasting. Very gentle with none of the nasty side effects on aluminium. Or you could use plastic bead.

Hope that helps, Richard


corn flour supended in air is explosive.may remove more than intended.


I believe they actually use baking soda by all accounts you can strip the paint off your car with the chrome and glass still in place with no damage.

Crushed walnut shells may also be an alternative.



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American navy and NASA use corn flour for stripping aircraft, I raided the kitchen and ran some through an ordinary hand held blast gun and it tried it on some heavily varnished and carbon covered pistons and it worked really well. Problem is in getting it to flow through the blaster, but a machine built for soda would sort that. True you can remove paint from a vehicle without affecting chrome or glass, I looked at starting up as a soda blaster and visited several equipment suppliers and tried different machines out on different substrates.


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