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wearing medals...my arse!

Guest shane taylor

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This is definately a topic that could be disscussed in length so heres my bit,

i would never wear any medals that i was not entiled to wear,nor would i wear either wear a maroon or green beret as these have to be earnt the hard way,if wearing one of my uniforms i will wear it correctly to the best of my ability,if it has badges of rank i will not act as if i am that rank if asked i will explain what it means and answer any questions thereafter,i feel the correct uniform complements the whole vehicle display.As for the reenacting thing if the group is portraying a certain time or unit then i feel it is acceptable to wear the rank or ribbons that will go to make the experiance more realistic,but i think that there are too many cowboys that just want to play and not understand what this impression gives.As to distastful things this is part of war and unfortunatly is a part of history so saying that you cant reenact certain units is defeating the object because they existed and therefore if we want to learn and educate people they really need to be portrayed within reason.

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The right to wear medals and uniforms is a recurring theme on this forum. We know what we either love or loathe and we certainly know what really gets peoples backs up. The "Walts" are an issue with me. They need exposing. But the snap of the Airborne re-enactors does not bother me one iota They look rather good. If one of them was to start wearing anything he seriously isn't entitled to, which is an insult to the real person, then I would take issue. But I do not see the point with being unhappy with combat infantryman badges, berets and so on. But, it's easy for me, because I will never re-enact. I don't wear uniform I am not entitled to. I could dress as a late 1970s British army recruit because I was once 24463988 etc etc. But there the matter ends. The shirts itched and the boots gave me blisters. Diddums. Wearing my family medals is also off the menu, it is something for widows and young grand children on very specific occasions by family consent. But never in mine. The men are dead but they are with us all the time. We keep it that way.


And please don't be offended, but I fully appreciate the anti-dressing up arguments, I think bringing up knights and so on does your point a disservice, however well intended. I agree with John about recent conflicts, too. But sexy kit and crazy times will always attract. It's still doing wonders for the SS. So, to sum up: no insulting use of specially earned medals please - and dob in the Walter Mitties. They deserve the heaviest censure of all. The rest are pretty well harmless.

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I could dress as a late 1970s British army recruit because I was once 24463988 etc etc. But there the matter ends. The shirts itched and the boots gave me blisters.


lol me 24656622 1985 and they still itched and the boots gave us blisters too.


The men are dead but they are with us all the time. We keep it that way./quote]


well said


this is a case of each to their own, no one person should force their views upon another and if one doesn't your point of view then we can always agree to dis-agree

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I would like to say...

the argument of British re-en actors not wearing medals,and the German re-en actors wearing them, all stems from the fact that German soldiers etc. always wore their awards or combat medals/badges on the field combat uniform in "full dress order" where as the allies etc only wore ribbands.


My personal opinion is a no no on any form of medal/medal ribands being worn as i believe they are personal to those who officially earned them.



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Hi Degs,


I thought so too. I know that until a few years ago it was illegal in the US to buy/sell any part of a US medal with the exception of ribbons and miniatures,I also heard there has been talk in Canada of a total ban on the sale of military medals.


Hi Steve,I know many may find this extreme but personally I'm un-easy with anyone wearing any kind of military uniform to which they are not entitled,regardless of the era.



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Hey I'm in good company all these others in the 24 club I'm 24646974 SIR! Oh and gentlemen it would appear the sprogs now take the p-ss out of us, as we did of the 23 club etc. No respect th youth of today.

Medals is a very emotive issue to which I would say watch the episode of dads army when they have the parade and the medals come out. The one who grizzled and bellyached most was Mannering with................. none.

I have no prob as long the rank of medal is worn in context and not played on etc.

VC's MM's (not the nice chocolaty bottons Jack) DFC's etc are not necessary. :-D


Regards Hardyferret Hey Hey have a nice day !!!


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food was good mind you, loved rat packs and the cook house super....



Yep - loved the old Biscuits AB with the meat or fish paste on them - but the tubes of cheese possesed could be murder!!!! :evil:

Never had much to do with cookhouses - all ours was in the field - but our chief cook used to make a mean curry by taking EVERYTHING (I jest you not!!) from the rat-packs, pouring it into a dixie, mixing it together with a tub of curry powder and cooking it with another dixie of rice on a #1 cooker... Tasted great - but a couple of weeks after you finished eating it things got decidely dodgy in the nether regions.. :evil:

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Hi Degs,



Hi Steve,I know many may find this extreme but personally I'm un-easy with anyone wearing any kind of military uniform to which they are not entitled,regardless of the era.





Hi Matt, It's not extreme, It's your opinion and your entitled to it and thats all that matters.The main thing is this has been a very interesting subject which has left me pondering over for a few day's.The problem I find hard to come to terms with is how we as a reenacting group could portray as accurately as possible a Unit from 60 years ago without wearing the original insignia etc.


If you were to ban all Uniforms most of the Military shows around the country would see a major drop in numbers attending,No battle reenactment no photos opportunity's etc.

I have just done an event in Atherstone North Warwickshire, We had a couple of thousand visitors to the display we put on,all said it was a great addition to the annual event except one guy who flew of the handle at us for carrying weapons and dressing like US troops.I supose theres always one!!!


To add strength to the VCR problems ,I managed to get a picture of Mike O'Brian MP standing in front of the T55 holding my Thompson and wearing my M1 helmet :-D :-D.

If he condones it then it's fine with me.




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I remember at a Southsea show many years ago, someone was berating an elderly man wearing a German uniform and displaying an Iron Cross, on the basis that he should not wear a medal he had not been awarded. The man retorted that he had been awarded it & rolled up his arm to show the SS tatoo with his blood group.


Now did it cause more offence seeing the real thing than seeing a pretender?

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Steve, I think you're reading too much into this debate, I think you'll find most are fine with re-enactors wearing uniform/rank etc, it's the people that swan around the showground with gongs on their chests that they're not entitled to wear that most disagree with, if you are going to re-enact then the uniforms etc have to be correct for that period, you either re-enact authentically or don't re-enact, I don't see how there can be something in between, in short, keep on re-enacting, the public enjoy it.


It's the uniform debate that is worrying me but maybe that should be on a new thread.




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To add my bit to this tread I have No problem with re-enactors displays allot of them are very good and educational to the public,How ever I do have a problem with the wearing of the medals that were not awarded to them, I myself spent 6 months in northen Ireland in the late 70,s and earend the right to wear my NI medal some off the lads that I served with cannot because sadly they are not with us anymore!!!!!! Most days now we hear of losses in the current actions that our forces are involved with so I ask you is it OK for an re-enactor to wear gulf1 and 2 medals in his display that he purchased, or the person's who like to dress up and walk around with the medals on show.

I don't Think so :x

If you have the right to wear them wear them with pride,If you don't leave them in a display cabinet.


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The uniforms debate will run and run. I think Ian has got the balance we all seem to be looking for in general terms. Misrepresentation of medals is an insult and should be an offence covered in fraud legislation. Dressing up as a yankee para with a combat infantryman badge from sixty years ago is only hurting the wearer's wallet. I rather get the impression that many re-enactors, including - dare I say it, the Huns, do it out of a fair degree respect. We will not find any of this universally palatable. We were all pretty solid when the POW executions posts were doing the rounds. This is how it should be. At the end of the day the uniforms and the vehicles often combine to make an interesting medley - and sometimes they don't. Drive off/walk away when you don't like it - and tell us all why. But never feel like you shouldn't have a voice....and by the way, getting an MP to put the kit on was priceless - if you've got a snap post it EVERYWHERE...

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....and by the way, getting an MP to put the kit on was priceless - if you've got a snap post it EVERYWHERE...



That's a bit like when I wrote to the Conservative MP for Ongar & Brentwood, Eric Pickles, about the VCR Bill. He didn't seem very interested until I pointed out a photo on his website of him at the Ongar Victory Parade & told him that if the VCR Bill went through in it's current form parades like these could be a thing of the past, I then got a letter from him saying he was going to bring the matter up at PM's Question Time, which he did.. incredibly he had no idea what the VCR Bill was all about as he asked me to provide him with as much detail as possible... :roll:



Eric Pickles MP

width=401 height=287http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/pickles.jpg[/img]

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Getting this guy to do this is unbelievable considering who he is (Mike O'Brian) and the VCR bill.




width=640 height=725http://img331.imageshack.us/img331/3627/dsc00349fve8.jpg[/img]


I've cropped the picture due to the Israeli flag flying on the Tank, this may cause a slight problem in the wrong hands .


Mike was a real nice guy and supported what we were doing ,he even had a photo taken holding my BAR which proved a little heavy :-D :-D

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