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Hello everybody ; I'm joining this forum for a fairly specific reason -- and I will be opening a new thread elsewhere to explain that reason more fully as I don't think it is allowed here in Introductions ; so a little about myself: My name is Dave , I'm 38 and live on the south coast of England. I work for Royal Mail but please don't hold that against me -- we aren't all lazy trade unionists :angel: ; I enjoy mountain biking ; music ; computing ;and help spanner a friends 350 ( now actually 530) LC drag bike. So ; just saying Hi! really.

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I work for Royal Mail but please don't hold that against me -- we aren't all lazy trade unionists :angel:


Damn good postal service, in the UK and very cheap. Sending things overseas gets very expensive but nothing is perfect.


Anyway, G'Day will see what your project is going to be, hopefully a Royal Mail Jeep.

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Welcome in, we are not prejudiced here, just feel sorry for those who have no intrest in military vehicles or history.


You forgot:


- those that don't like the smell of a freshly opened tin of green paint

- those with an adversion to oil leaks

- those who like heaters that work and seats that are comfortable

- those who think pto means please turn over

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Thanks everyone for the Welcomes . By the way ; we leave the red rubber bands as presents for our most special customers ; kind of like how your cat might bring you a mouse or vole half-chewed just to show he cares :-D. I must confess I do have more than a passing interest in vehicles and preservation ; that is what brought me here in the first place but ; I'm still waiting for a reply to a PM to tell me if I can proceed as

planned -- sorry to be cryptic but I am respecting forum rules.(Or at least THINK I am ; maybe I read them wrong) . In a nutshell ; and this itself may break the rules so apologies to Mods if so : I need to shift some large ; round green painted and black rubber edged parts belonging to my now sadly in-care father's ex-AFS appliance.Maybe I PM'd the wrong Mod/Admin ; maybe I'm worrying about nothing but as I understand it ; I cannot make a post to "advertise" them unless I contribute to other areas ; and that seems unlikely as my knowledge is probably too general to improve on the experts you have here. Hopefully I can get a yay/nay soon and then proceed.


*Edit* As it now turns out ; we have found a home already for the wheels so I'll just say thanks for the welcomes once more and go back to lurking. Peace to all.

Edited by Wheelman
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