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Rounded bolts


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Hi All,


Not limited to MV's but certainly can be a problem. I have a bolt which is entirely rounded off through some hamfisted garage mechanic trying too hard.


It's a rather awkward one to get hold of a replacement for, being tapered and a strange length, there only being once source for the kits and it must be bought as part of a set, which is £68. Rather a large sum just for one bolt.


What's the best way to get it out? The part it screws into is mounted with a similarly rare rubber boot round it, which is impossible to remove in tact while the bolt is in there. So I've been loathe to apply heat so far. It's not a large one, at only 12mm so hard to get a lot of force on, in a rather confined space.


What do the learned members here suggest?



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If you still have some protruding head left, soacking in release fluid and judisicous tapping with a wide cold chisel still has it's place. Halfordfs do a good Advanced range set of stud removers up to 12mm. They work well on rounded nuts if you can get them to fit. All depends on how much room you have. A nut splitter screwed on can give you something to put a bar over.

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An idea to get broken bolts out is to weld a nut on it... that means put a nut on top and weld inside it.. but guess that is not an option in thsi case since you would not use heat due to the rubber boot.


And I do have some od bolts and things that followed the MCC parts I did buy. Perhaps I have one bolt for you if you put out a picture and size og it..



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Thanks guys, I would have posted a pic but it's deep in the bowels of a boat, the wrong side of a bulkhead and I can only just get my arm in, let alone a camera!


So where's the best place to get me a set of these magic tools then?


With several restoration projects due to be purchased in the next few months, I had better get myself a set eh? :-D



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hard to say without a pic but is it not possable to fully grind off the head say with a dremmell ,remove the part bolted on and then you have access for small stillsons , mole grips etc ? then weld a nut on once removed to effect a repair this might mean your one off may be a few mm short so just remove any washers fitted

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Hi Alex.


Hope this Helps.


As fv1609 said, a must have in the toolbox for this type of situation.









Expansion set for Nutool set.







In my opinion the Irwin set with the expansion set is the best value for money. steer clear of the silverline version

of this product. not very good






Edited by protruck
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Thanks for that gents, just got myself the 10pc Irwin set off that popular auction site, for £25.99 delivered. Not bad value I don't think.


Will have to see how I get on fabricating a replacement bolt once it's out!


Thank you once more.



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Of course not! In military circles the phrase 'Gucci' relates like the 'Fashion brand' it is taken from describing the Very Best and expensive / 'trick' kit.


It was most definately a compliment.


If it was a cheap and mass produced copy I would have said 'Primark'!!!!!



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OK Wayne I believe you................because you're worth it :D


Brilliant I love it........Amazing Answer!.......But if only I was.



Ps What Make is yours by the way as we should get back on track with rounded off Nuts and their removal. ;)

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