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Accurate Armour Models


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I would love to have a well made, detailed model of my 432. I've been looking at the Accurate Amour model kits for this vehicle, which do look very realistic. However, I'm not a massive fan of buying by pictures over the internet, I prefer to see and feel items in the flesh.


At the best part of £100 for their FV432 model kit, its not cheap and I don't want to buy one only to find when its built it ends up looking like the cheap plastic model kits you used to do as a kid.


Has anyone got any experience/opinions of their models?




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I concur...they're are really great looking kits. a freind of mine is an avid modler and would, if finances permitted get a heap of A.A. stuff. I've seen some of their display stuff at War & Peace on numerous occasions and have always stopped to look in awe.


A fair credit must go to their skills as no doubt my ham-fistedness would turn their kits into something resembling a landrover having been under attack from a selection of 500lb glue bombs and paint cannons.;)

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Good to hear they are as good as they look then.


I'm not too worried about the building of the model, think as long as I take it steady and don't try to rush and built it in one sitting after coming home from the pub it should be alright. Its the painting aspect where I'll fall down, where as you say it'll probably look like its spent a day paintballing!


Might start dropping a few hints ready for Christmas then.

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At the best part of £100 for their FV432 model kit, its not cheap and I don't want to buy one only to find when its built it ends up looking like the cheap plastic model kits you used to do as a kid.


Has anyone got any experience/opinions of their models?





Accurate Armour make excellent kits, but as it says on the box, they are intended for experienced modellers. It's a little unfair to dismiss plastic models as "cheap", a decent Sherman kit (in 1/35th scale) will cost something like £45 - £50 these days.


If you are considering having one built, remember that a professional modeller should be charging something like £50 / hour and we are talking 20+ hours to built one of these kits.



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What also needs to be borne in mind is their construction. They use a fairit amount of resin parts and brass etched fittings. Resin will give better detailing and can be for want of a better word, 'carved' to create final shapes, but in my limited experience is a lot more tricky to work with as it's less forgiving than injection moulded plastic.


Have fun.

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I'm not trying to do AA out of a sale here by any means.....they have some great subjects & plenty of accessories to go with them....but if you're looking for something REALLY detailed, & REALLY special, & are not in too much of a hurry, then you might consider waiting (& saving up) for the KFS 1/24th scale (half inch to the foot) FV432. This is a forthcoming release for 2011.


By really detailed I'm talking about metal tracks, a complete & fully detailed interior that you can actually appreciate with the naked eye due to its larger scale, working hatches & door, lift off engine decks & a complete lift out power pack.


To get a feel for what I'm talking about have a look at the others in the same range on www.kitformservices.com (click Military Range in the left side bar menu) The 432 is not there but you'll get the idea.


Howard @ KFS

Edited by RecyMech
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I'm not trying to do AA out of a sale here by any means.....they have some great subjects & plenty of accessories to go with them....but if you're looking for something REALLY detailed, & REALLY special, & are not in too much of a hurry, then you might consider waiting (& saving up) for the KFS 1/24th scale (half inch to the foot) FV432. This is a forthcoming release for 2011.


By really detailed I'm talking about metal tracks, a complete & fully detailed interior that you can actually appreciate with the naked eye due to its larger scale, working hatches & door, lift off engine decks & a complete lift out power pack.


To get a feel for what I'm talking about have a look at the others in the same range on www.kitformservices.com (click Military Range in the left side bar menu) The 432 is not there but you'll get the idea.


Howard @ KFS


Hello mate


You got any plans to do any CVRT's then ? I know AFV Club do the 1/35 Scimitar and Scorp, as well as AA doing the variants in 1/35 and the Scimitar in 1/16, but would be good to have some larger scale variants, esp with the later style headlights (the AA ones all come with the sealed unti jobbies)...


Happy to help with reference pics if it gets mea discount..!



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Hello mate


You got any plans to do any CVRT's then ? I know AFV Club do the 1/35 Scimitar and Scorp, as well as AA doing the variants in 1/35 and the Scimitar in 1/16, but would be good to have some larger scale variants, esp with the later style headlights (the AA ones all come with the sealed unti jobbies)...


Happy to help with reference pics if it gets mea discount..!






There are conversion kits around to turn a Scorp into a Sabre, and also to turn early vehicles into later ones.



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Hello mate


You got any plans to do any CVRT's then ? I know AFV Club do the 1/35 Scimitar and Scorp, as well as AA doing the variants in 1/35 and the Scimitar in 1/16, but would be good to have some larger scale variants, esp with the later style headlights (the AA ones all come with the sealed unti jobbies)...


Happy to help with reference pics if it gets mea discount..!




CVRT series is on the cards as long as sales & interest in the scale & present releases continues to pick up. All a matter of time & money (is'nt everything ?). The 2011 slots with the pattern maker are pretty much rammed full now....still got to complete & release Saladin, Ferret is underway now, Matador & 5.5" gun next, then Champ, a couple of Landrovers & FV432....in that order. If I get difficulties with Land-Rover though (I hear they can be a difficult firm to deal with sometimes) I may just skip those & head for CVRT early.:nut:

Rest assured this will be the first port of call for reference info on CVRT when the time comes :cool2::cool2:



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Howard and Chris


Thanks for info. Will watch with interest. I do quite fancy building a replica of one of my own vehicles but I'm finding it pretty difficult to spend any time on the real ones at the moment, never mind plastic & resin ones..!




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You cant go wrong with Accurate Armoure, Derrick is very helpfull and is always willing to help if you have any questions regarding the kits. I have well over 100+ kits from AA and to date have only had one minor problem and that was corrected in no time by the team at AA. You will be more than pleased with the end results.



Cornish Armour

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As a model maker, sometimes, a lot less these days but quite prolific a few years ago I would offer this comment.


Either the KFS or AA kits are very good quality, but are your skills up to matching them?


If you have trouble with photo etched or painting and glueing resin stay away and save your money.


My 2 cents worth



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Right, so it sounds as though the quality of the kits isn't an issue.


But as a not very experienced modeller, my skills in putting it together could well be, and as you say no point in wasting money.


If you have trouble with photo etched or painting and glueing resin stay away and save your money.



What exactly are the skills and tools needed to work with these materials then? Are they vastly different from plastic kits?



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If you are new to & want to know a bit more about working with resin, white metal & etched parts have a read of this;-




The theme of this refers to our resin truck kits but the actual methods are identical for all scales & subjects.


AA have a very good name for what they do & supply & certainly I wish I could achieve the size of their range but in 1/24th (one day maybe).


Now of course I don't (at this time) have the kit you're looking for so it's a bit of a moot point. All I can do is quote Nick Shuttleworth in his MiS review of our 1/24th Stalwart kit...."there were times when building this kit that I forgot I was working with resin".


Let me asure, with the quality of the castings & detail of the instructions I provide in the KFS kits, that if you can put a Tamiya kit together then you can certainly build a KFS kit.


Regards......Howard @ KFS

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  • 1 month later...
Now of course I don't (at this time) have the kit you're looking for so it's a bit of a moot point. All I can do is quote Nick Shuttleworth in his MiS review of our 1/24th Stalwart kit...."there were times when building this kit that I forgot I was working with resin".




god i love nick we call him the guru at work he knows everything and gets the customers chatting really well

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I've built many models over the years and found AA about 10 years ago when I built their CRARRV, I was amazed to find in the decal sheet my VRN from my CRARRV when was attached to a certain tank Regt, I based the model on my own vehicle and was really happy with the results.


Having only previous experience on mainstream kits I was a little daunted by what I found in the box, the individual parts took quite a bit cleaning up ie, removing excess resin etc, I found the best method was to cut most of the excess away using a model knife then finish them up with needle files to make them perfect before assembly. I did have a problem with one part in particular which snapped in half, however when I got in touch with AA they were awesome, they had a replacement sent to me straight away, no dramas.


I spent around 3 months on the model all together (I know I'm slow) but this paid dividends on the finished model. In my opinion a model really comes alive when painted well, I again took my time with the spraying and weathering and was really chuffed with the results.


Obviously not aimed at beginners but with a little modelling experience these kits are a joy to build and give a nice sense of achievment once finished, just wish they were cheaper:(


Just had a look at the KFS kits, wow impressive.

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Hi recymech66

Is the '66' date of birth or year of joining ?....must be date of birth I guess if you crewed a CRARRV (what's that stand for again ?....it was just plain ARV in my day)


If you like the KFS kits thus far wait till you see Saladin. The aluminium turned 76mm ammo came this morning. I just spent the last hour writing up the decal artwork...for the decals that go on the 3 different types of round, HE, Hesh & smoke. Parts count has now gone off the abacus. I must be insane.


It'll be a pricey kit but worth every penny. Guaranteed.!! The bigger scale just allows a silly amount of detail.


Remember that Chinese recymech?....Win Chin (the old ones are best)



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Hi recymech66

Is the '66' date of birth or year of joining ?....must be date of birth I guess if you crewed a CRARRV (what's that stand for again ?....it was just plain ARV in my day)

Remember that Chinese recymech?....Win Chin (the old ones are best) Snigger:-D



When I joined the site it wouldn't let me have just recymech so I added 66 which is part of another CRARRV VRN I had. (DoB 68 so not far out:-)).


CRARRV = Challenger Armoured Repair Recovery Vehicle.


Yes I like the Saladin, that's a project for when I get out and have more time I think.

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  • 2 months later...

Probably a bit late replying to this thread, but the AA 432's are cracking kits


There is also the Cromwell Models kit which IMHO, is a bit easier to build than the AA offering.


Only trouble but its a bit of a lottery ordering from them


Here's the Cromwell Kit - simple and easy to put together AND no etch brass if that's not your thing



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To anyones knowledge, has any one done a 1/25th, 1/24th scale Diamond T 980/981 Closed cab, I know there is a 1/35th version made by a Romanian model making firm, but just wondered if any of you model makers might know of one a bit cheaper. I did have all the Corgi Diamond T's at one time, but now have about 10 left. I know the Revell one is still available but 1/76th scale is too small for me. It seems strange to me that with all the Tank models out there, there is not a Diamond T to go with them, or even an Antar

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