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What is Normal in your house?


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I had a very unwelcome visit from a chap after one of my new (and very nosey) neighbours snooped on my son cleaning his legitimately held airsoft weapon in his bedroom. The guy stands on his balcony peering in to our house at every opportunity. Once it was shown all the current rules had been followed the unwelcome visitor went away to admonish my neighbour for snooping. Hasn't stopped him.


All my helmets and stuff have gone way upstairs in the house and all the other guns have gone altogether.


Thats the way of it.


Its a shame you feel you have to hide away yours and your families thoroughly legal interests and hobbies, because of your neighbours own personal opinion.


The opinion of the law on the type of person who looks at boys in bedrooms could be taken as considerably harsher however, next time you experience the unwelcome attentions of this individual, politely drop this nugget of information and see how the attitude changes!!


Or you could invite Croc and myself down to your place for a spot of Army rations redneck cooking, works on our neighbours!!

Edited by Adam Elsdon
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Its a shame you feel you have to hide away yours and your families thoroughly legal interests and hobbies, because of your neighbours own personal opinion.


The opinion of the law on the type of person who looks at boys in bedrooms could be taken as considerably harsher however, next time you experience the unwelcome attentions of this individual, politely drop this nugget of information and see how the attitude changes!!


Or you could invite Croc and myself down to your place for a spot of Army rations redneck cooking, works on our neighbours!!


Or, if you like, I'll come and park the OT in your drive for a dew fays - with the canvas mantlet cover off!! The lad can sit inside and move the turret around "accidentally" pointing it in the neighbours direction??? :angel:

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You all sound perfectly normal to me.


We have dust and cobwebs in corners, there are all kinds of bits and pieces in many places, two boys with clothes and bits of paper all over the place, we call it lived in, there are oily clothes hanging up dirty coats ect and we get on with living and love it who are the normal ones then.


People who have houses that you don't want to go to in case you put dirty marks on their white carpets or move an ornament out of place, they are very strange, how can you live like that.

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