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how come i missed so many of you guys.

where were you in the field.

i met degsy, hi degsy hope you got back ok.

i got back at 5.30 ish tonight after doing litter & barrier duty. those barriers may not seem heavy but there were blinking miles of them & they had to be stacked in 10's by hand so the forklift could pick them up, my shoulders ache & it will be a couple of days before the bruises on my arms dissapear.

got there wednesday to help set up & took the bedford & bike up after tea, russ & youngest ,mel, went up early thursday & i got there mid afternoon.

fantastic weather once the wind died down thursday tea time, the sun was so hot all weekend it made a nice change from the usual Kemble weather.

the 2 bands performed well but i did prefer the band on friday night & it was good of the beer tent to have the footy on all weekend.

i love dancing & spent a couple of hours a night on the dance floor in my pink shoes, i was accompanied by sean,aminta & baz so at least i wasn't alone.

i didn't get time to walk round the stalls as i chat to much & time went by.

what did you all think about having a badge instead of a brass plaque. i thought it was a better idea as my plaques end up in boxes in the attic.

the tornado taking off on friday & doing a fly past was so ace & loud & having planes come & go all weekend gave people something else to look at. the 20 min flight for 20 quid was a good deal as well.

i'll post some photos later of the bedford stripped down, she looked great.

i had a great time



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I had a really good weekend, was in me Dinkie so the weather was spot on 8-). They let all of us in the SAS landy's play in the arena which was fun, the line up of 15 of us looked pretty impressive, although we didn't manage to get the figure 8 quite right :-D



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It was fine. Good weather, interesting vehicles & people to meet. Bought lots of microfiche, I suspect I may have been the only person permanently equipped with a fiche reader in the vehicle :lol:


But I got fed up listening to a vehicle near me that was left running all day. The owner said it was to run the electric fridge to keep the milk cool. So when this started up on sunday morning, I just packed up & came home. :cry:

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Had a great time 8-), went Friday afternoon and came home Sat evening due to other committments.


Weather was fab, with the slight worry of rain drops on the tent at 24:00 then again at 05:30. :-(


Despite my V large HMVF sign managed to meet exactly nobody!


Great turnout of vehicles, i suppose would have been larger if it hadn't clashed with Tankfest?


Hope to meet some of you at Beltring.




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cheers guys,

they have taken up much more time than the kids ever did and i can't see us ever scaling down the collection.

The bedford is so lovable & gorgeous to drive, the bike is just fun & the Jimmy is so practicle.

they all have their own plus points & so much heart & soul has gone into each one they are now part of the family.

i'll pass your comments onto the mechanic of the family when he gets home :-D



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