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New forum skin

paul connor

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Can anyone tell me where the


"latest posts since your last"

"view you posts"


have gone? as its making it hard to keep up with what is going on?


please can we have them back!



I agree with you Paul !


Jack, when ever I view the forum, the first thing I do is click on the "view posts since last on" or whatever it was, at the top right hand of the old page. Now I am totally lost.


I have to say one thing, although I may be in the minority, then ignore me (!), "what ain't broke, does'nt need mending". The original forum layout was superb and I am not sure this is an improvement, also the page is wider than the screen and I have to scroll across all the time. This was a problem with Yahoo forums, but they have recently rectied the problem.


Sorry to complain, but i hope this is a constructive critisism.



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not a problem gents.


Will we be working to iron out the bugs and when it is all done you will love it......this is just the change over bit, it is never easy but it will all come together in a bit - trust me, I am a mechanic :-o

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One thing I have noticed is that where I have chosen not to use a signature on postings, that has now been overriden & signature is displayed on existing postings.


On Borat postings my pig appears with my signature, this gives entirely the wrong idea as I have nothing to do with that tiresome buffoon with a moustache.


I have just done a preview of this & my signature has gawn & the notify me of replies has been unticked now. Will this have to be ticked for each time a post?


PS Ah once I posted it then the signature appeared.


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First I know this forum is a lot different then it was and might not be better in all aspects. On the other hand it is a more stable forum (less security problems) and I needed this forum to be able to intergrate in with the new sitee.



I've set the time to GMT+1, without thinking I've set it to CET time, sorry about that.

I also fixed Clives Corner, all PDF's should work again.


As for the latest posts since your last, I'm going to look for a solution but there are other ways:


- Forums that have new posts in it have a green diamont in front of them

- To visit new posts since your last visit in the threads (subjects) click on the NEW image.


If all threads have a NEW image then go to the front page and click the "mark as read" button (bottom right). From that moment it will work as described above.



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Personally I come from the 'If it ain't broke don't fix it school' and I much prefer the previous format, this seems more complicated and is difficult to enter. I had believed the message that kept coming up saying that the page was unavailable until I ignored it, carried on and eventually managed to log on.

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How can I decide whether to attach a signature or not. There used to be a box to click on or not to determine if a signature appears? All the Borat postings I decided not to have a signature but other postings there is a signature.


So is the signature set in stone for all postings now? Cos now my signature has now been added to Borat but I originally didn't put one.



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