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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. You are lucky they are helical wrapped fins Jim, my pal had to build a Tilling Stevens rad from scratch making patterns and castings for the tanks then individually soldering hundreds of fins to new tubes.:sweat:
  2. Will, have you not heard of the shed full of brand new mk3 ones that we own but are unable to use due to problems with the avionics software? £259 million well spent, read about it here: http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/hc0708/hc05/0512/0512.pdf
  3. Will, if you can remember back to the 50s they were predicting global cooling and the possibility of another ice age.
  4. One of the Harkness Ts has been restored and was for sale on Milweb a year or so ago. From memory it was a nice shade of green with either red or black wings and still in NI.
  5. Superb pictures John, quite how they threaded that lot through Buckingham as it was 1960 is totally beyond me. The load looks like a roll housing, so they would have to repeat the move with the second one.
  6. Is it a tool for punching holes in dog tags?
  7. Good choice of music from Freddie 'I am a man with a one track mind' :-D
  8. http://www.canadianregister.co.uk/tyre_sizes.html
  9. We had exactly the same problem a couple of years ago Tim, turned out to be payments for online gambling. RBS were most helpful and gave a full refund but when it happened again we insisted on new cards.
  10. They do, ratio is 3.54:1 as opposed to 4.7:1 and you have the option of starting in low range if necessary. Changing the diffs is more efficient as it lowers the propshaft speed the last thing you want in a LR transmission is another set of whining gears. Don't convert it to permanent 4wd using 90 bits as the steering UJs are not constant velocity and it will be a pig to drive.
  11. Exactly, and some even throw a wobbler if you engage Aberdeen overdrive or hold the clutch down for too long.
  12. Some of the new Mercs are geared for a theoretical max of 90mph, only needing 1150 or so rpm for 55mph.
  13. Give or take quite a bit Will, most high powered (380+) tractor diffs are between 3:1 and 4.5:1. Together with far larger tyres than cars this is why trucks are potentially quite fast.
  14. Stop teasing us CW, we want to see it not hear it!
  15. Les, both the IMM Fodens and Scammell/DAF MM DROPS are 8x6 - look at the second steer axle and there is no reduction hub. The IMM contract went to Foden as Scammell submitted a 6x6 for trials which was not considered to be as good.
  16. Ex Swiss army Rotinoff+trailer+Centurion on Milweb, £90k! Perhaps the one in post 7?
  17. This is how they looked when first released:
  18. Tim, from an engineering point of view does it not seem strange that they used ball bearings to take the radial loads rather than roller bearings, leaving the end thrust to the dedicated thrust bearings?
  19. During the war or after? Did he not join the Post Office in an engineering capacity?
  20. Yes possibly, but there is also a minimum number of axles to consider. STGO 3 is 16.5 tons/axle. I have struggled to find a single publication that lists all the permutations and combinations. The question I have raised on several occasions is how do the crane support trucks get away with carrying stacks of weights, the dispensation for STGO is that it must be an indivisible load or one that cannot be readily dismantled.
  21. How do you work that out Mike, STGO CAT2 can gross 80 tons but with axle limits of 12.5 tons? Even if it were possible to load each axle to the maximum a 6 axle transporter could only gross 75 tons. You could just do it with 7 axles but even then the margin is slight as you can only load a steering axle to 9 tons when using a super single tyre.
  22. If I remember correctly an artic is classed as one trailer if unladen, 2 if laden.
  23. I see you have discovered the legendary RL flexible chassis. If you look at the floor members in the loadspace they are all spaced a few mm apart, not because they have shrunk but because they were built like that to let the body flex. When in storage for the AFS, they all had wooden blocks fitted to take the weight off the springs, the regulators were removed and a device was fitted to hold the clutches down as they are prone to sticking. When we picked our ones up we discovered that even the fuel tanks were inhibited and they smoked like mad until we filled the tanks with fresh fuel.
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