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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. Tractor looks good, was it one of the last batch that had been to ABRO? S26 may have 70mph diffs available which although provisionally sold have not been collected.:cool2: Let me have some details of the EKA, cab condition, mileage, kit etc and I will spread the word.
  2. Go back to post 30 on this thread. It is possible to fit the recovery diffs but you can do even better. I believe Marathon 6x4 used the same axles.
  3. Remind me Richard, is that the one which can be driven/steered from the crane position?
  4. Looks like it does 2 things, is the bit nearest the fulcrum a cutter?
  5. I would think so Tim, there are several distinguishing features such as the crosshead mounting and governor linkages.
  6. Thanks for taking the trouble to post a most moving story Mark, I knew a lot had been left behind but had no idea that it was so many.
  7. I doubt there are too many Discos and Rangies with canvas roofs but there was a soft top CJ7 Golden Eagle.
  8. Many a true word spoken through false teeth. And a beard?:-D
  9. With just 4 11R 22.5 tyres per pair, it's own weight plus the weight of a container there is not much capacity for any load, I would guess about 5 tons.
  10. OK, is that an air manifold running the length of the board, with an operating rod just above that controls each 'thing'?
  11. Is there something in the truck body between each set of whatever they are? Can I see some sort of jumper between 3 pairs of whatever they are?
  12. Antar on Pathe news: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=46970
  13. Might it be one of the carriages from Dora?
  14. If you blow the photo up the wrap looks wrong for wire rope. It may be some type of flexible re-bar?
  15. There may be a clue in that he refers to delivery and was a civilian, if he was RCT he would have said collection:confused:. Good photo either way, thanks for posting.
  16. Lol, he has read an old post which asked for the location of a group of Antars on exercise.
  17. That's an interesting history:cool2:
  18. If you think it is dangerous to sit near the dials, spare a thought for the girls who used to paint them, often licking the brush to obtain a fine point:shocked: http://www.rerowland.com/dial_painters.htm
  19. Right first time with the date, 1943, but not Mowe (Seagull). It is the Henschel Hs 117 which became the Hs 297 and then Schmetterling (Butterfly)
  20. More or less spot on, one operator oriented the stand and aiming devices while the other guided the missile by means of a joystick. But what was the system and date?
  21. Very good but no:rofl:The second bod shown in outline is an essential part of the device.
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