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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. Many of the police cars in this area have a system which alternates left and right high beam. At night on an unlit country road it is totally blinding even when I am sat 10ft up, while I struggle to understand how it can be legal as at any time the vehicle has only one headlamp working.
  2. Hi Ted, it was 24 years ago and I am not sure I ever knew as it was not on the release note.
  3. Would that be the big version of the Chrysler Hemi?
  4. My old one had a similar history to yours having been at RAF Kinloss on recovery/snowplough duties. The layers of paint were the same with the exception of the second blue coat, and interestingly the wing markers on mine were identical to yours. Is it still fitted with the extra tank for vacuum braked trailers?
  5. Is that one of a pair or are you still on a single line system?:shake:
  6. Trust Andy to grass me up; how is that Wolverhampton Wanderer of a diesel performing now it has had your magic touch?
  7. Is that as well as or instead of the port one:confused:
  8. I gather you made it to Astwood Bank Nick, well done!
  9. If they cannot open the cap and syphon it out they will axe the bottom of the tank and drain it that way. Best way is just to leave a small amount in the tank that you can afford to lose rather than having to replace the tank. If you are concerned about condensation in the cold weather you can lag the tank with an old eiderdown or similar when it is parked. A colleague of mine recently caught a pair of pikeys in a field next to a motorway service area in a Transit with a huge tank on the back and an electric pump with a long hose that would reach almost any parked truck. Many years ago, another friend had the entire tank + contents stolen from his Volvo F89 in Turkey by thieves with a forklift truck while he slept in the cab:shocked:
  10. Croc that is a very late one with the chrome grill surround - two of the six we bought in about 1990 were like that and I was tempted to keep one but didn't. Biggest problem was hanging onto the gearboxes as our pikey friends seemed to have a ready market for them, Vass lost something like 30 over one weekend despite half of them having a bar welded across the fixing bolts and the UJ nuts and bolts welded together. They came back the following night with a trolley jack and jacked under the gearbox until the bellhousings shattered and ran a tube cutter round the props!
  11. Thanks for posting that Mike, I have never worked on an Antar.
  12. We know what you meant, I was being my usual pedantic self!!
  13. OK, we must have a race one day, to avoid spinning the actual diffs (which only have plain bearings) you will need to pull all 4 half shafts, fit the dummy ends and stow 4 oily half shafts. I only have to disconnect one companion flange from the leading axle and tie up the front prop (12 nuts?)
  14. The photo was taken when Antar was still in service ie pre 1984/85 The photo appeared in Brian Baxter's book 'Breakdown' which was first published in 1989. The QE2 bridge did not exist before 1991, so there is no way the combination could have been 'goin over the Dartford crossing':-D The scene looks very much like the North Circular at Woodford?? Well done Ed!
  15. The recovery becomes a heavy locomotive able to tow 3 trailers (Antar and laden semi trailer is classed as 2 trailers) and is limited to 20mph on any road including motorways. The Antar propshaft would be removed to prevent transmission damage. With just 305bhp and a train weight of circa 110 tons progress would be somewhat pedestrian. The Antar had been towing a prototype SP70 self propelled howitzer when it caught fire and burned out.
  16. Why would an MJ not be type approved in the first place:confused:
  17. As I understand it Loggy, there is only a requirement to present yourself at the training venue for 35 hours, you can can sit there with a pair of ear defenders on or even fall fast asleep as there is no assessment or exam.
  18. Someone, somewhere will have some - have you tried Gosnays Engineering 01708740668 or Bob McCulloch 01925757731?
  19. Clive, what is the other device? It looks like a generator which is driven off the same PTO shaft as the 2 stage compressor:confused:
  20. That sounds interesting Cat, how will you remember which 'box is in reverse?:shake: Do 2 x reverse = 1 x forwards.
  21. I rather suspected that, thanks SV2S but don't tell Jim.
  22. Jim, my knowledge of Pioneers is limited but would the engines have been blue from day 1 or only after being reconditioned?
  23. How is the new MAN performing compared to the DAF/Ginafs?
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