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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. :thumbsup: Well Lee, you've made a good start there, will be interested in your tracks when you get round to them, I spent ages trying to design some cheap workable tracks for Rugged Robin, gave up took the easy option and bought some, but I suspect that is not an option for you. Are those your track links in the background? If so I'm afraid you may have to re-think your power pack and gearing, tracks like that need a lot of power just to keep rolling, even a massive 30+ HP :shocked: was not enough for me until I radically lowered the gearing. Best thing about projects like yours is that the grin :-D:-D:-D per £ ratio is so much higher than messing about restoring tanks and such, good luck with it and keep us posted..
  2. Yep, still got mine yours if you want it Andy. Antar, the diameter is 16"
  3. All the explorer ones I have seen have had cracks, one of mine was cracked right through, still worked OK! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Think I have a new wear plate that bolts into the flywheel if that's the part you need Andy, these often have heat cracking ,don't get too excited till I have a look to see if I still have it... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I've also been using MSE for a month now no problems, start up is faster, no annoying pop-ups just to tell me it's working, and scans run unseen in the background without affecting performance. Never considered using it before because of all the negative things I've read, maybe using it with OE as well is a bit too much, but as I use Firefox I will stick with it now I think, so good call Joris.:thanx: Hmmm wonder who writes all that negative stuff....:rolleyes:
  6. This one seems to be doing the rounds at the mo, haven't seen it here just click this..http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/325/language/en-CA/Lower-than-a-Snakes-Belly-in-a-Wagon-Rut.aspx
  7. Dignity and decorum was the bedrock of the conceptualization (yeah! beat the spell checker!) of the Scammell Explorer, they have nothing to prove, they remain unassailable, perfect and oh so desirable.......discuss. :sleep:
  8. Hi Stu, some tips and stuff in this thread may help, a few images seem to have gone missing over the years but still useful: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?7860-self-made-Campers-on-military-trucks-!-Photos&highlight=camper+conversion
  9. Couldn't agree more, it's the medals that disturb me too.
  10. People forget that most LR sales used to be to farmers, commercial users and the military, all of these types (especially the first) are not fond of change, very fond of holding onto their money and not much bothered about driver comfort or styling.
  11. Nicely put Doug, I spent quite a while thinking how to ask that question...:-)
  12. Take the trailer off the the towing truck and turn it round, connect a girt big kinetic rope, back up, wheel spin away in a high gear...the casualty should pop out leaving it's load suspended in the air Road Runner style....what could possibly go wrong..:trustme:
  13. Love those squidgey tyres, way to go!
  14. You'll have to be quick, I heard this chap is tryng to buy up all available stock.... He's got to be stopped..
  15. That Younggun, there's no stopping him now is there..:drive:
  16. The out of the box brain power and manual (femailual?) dexterity needed to create that is pretty awesome...:clap::clap::bow::bow:
  17. Just re-read your re-build thread, and the more I look at it the more sense it makes, an audacious concept well carried out..:bow: Are you taking the easy route by using the truck's identity, and just declaring it as re-bodied? I'm just thinking that there would be more than a few hoops to jump through as a much modified Saracen, there certainly would be in the UK, that's for sure.
  18. Alaskan's build thread here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?26924-Saracen-Upgrade-Progress Very successful for it's intended purposes it seems , in my opinion, just needs a faked up cover for the rear wheel so they all look the same, but I'm sure you have a plan for this Alaskan ..
  19. Thought it was time for another these..:banana: Do try not to criticize, they're doing their best ....:-D Something went wrong...
  20. Tried most of the free ones, no need to pay for anti virus, agree Norton is horrible and very intrusive, been using Avast free for some time now, doesn't seem to affect performance but it seems to be taking longer to load and update at startup lately.. So may give MSE a go, as it's good enough for Joris..
  21. Nice work chaps, seems faster now..:thumbsup:
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