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Everything posted by GeePig

  1. Leaving the oven door and the kitchen window open afterwards to allow any odd smells to dissipate?
  2. Has the dynamo become de-polarised? If so it could be the reason it is not charging. trevor
  3. To me the impressive amount of thought that goes into a vehicle is the most important thing. At the end of the day, all jeeps and their replicas and modifications are products of our imaginations, because other than that they just mechanical devices that better or worse suit their makers' intentions. trevor
  4. Now that is something I REALLY look forward to. I have only seen old black and white images of them so far.
  5. What happens to any water that gets between the front and back plates of the wheel, does it just pool in there with the dust and leaves until it evaporates? I assume that those screws to fix the brass plate also go through the wheel into that space, potentially allowing moisture to wick through? I am very pleased to see you managed to get some good replacements. trevor
  6. How is the ring gear held onto the flywheel? Is it a shrink fit or welded? Do you think it might be possible to remove the ring, and refit it in a different place? trevor
  7. Did it make a bit of a bang? Never seen that happen to a coil before. Trevor
  8. So, that is what happened to my old sofa... Nice job, but I still find it hard to believe they were still using external water pumps.
  9. Well, while I highly appreciate the efforts people go to restore things from history, I find the antics of some people who act as if war were an exciting, good thing rather concerning. These people just do not seem to understand what war involves. trevor
  10. It would be a tad immature to collect live munitions in such close proximity to other people, but who can tell what was there from a news report. I wonder what he died of? trevor
  11. Wow, laptop and printer, with a tank thrown in for free! trevor
  12. What you need to do is to carefully rub down the paintwork to see if there are any signs of original markings...
  13. Well, that is good news, Dan. How does the gudgeon pin centre to piston top distance compare between the Halley and the Fordson? trevor
  14. Great progress you are making. Don't forget to take pictures of the riveting, it is decades since I did any. trevor
  15. Nice work there, have you tested it? What was it used for? You can see I know little about these trucks... trevor
  16. On consideration, I would cut the Sea Kings off the second image and paste them in place of the Apaches on the first image. trevor
  17. That must be good news - lots of potential customers
  18. *bump* I wonder if the other half is still aro9und somewhere? Imagine how your MV would look standing on one of these in your front garden - your own, life-size diorama! trevor
  19. Well, the Apache, but only because it is a better image, almost art deco.
  20. Any chance of some pictures, Tom, they are always good for positive feedback! trevor
  21. 'buf buf buf' is fine, much better than 'clunk!' trevor
  22. Change so often feels so difficult, and then one learns the new system. As I did when I came to Poland, where you have to get a new registration plate off the often inefficient local council every time you buy a car - and then there is the problem of renewal if a plate falls off the car and so on. And then there is the fact that this city of 400 000 people has three tax offices, provincial government, local government and extra-local government, and on and on... And, when I got married in church, I had to get a current copy of my christening certificate. I mean, not the original copy, but a current copy - from a parish church that has no permanent vicar. Ah, yes, the fun of change... trevor
  23. Well, that is good news with the HDD! As for music from win98, do you have a program like CDPlayer? It should be part of win98, later replaced by Windows Media Player, if I remember rightly. Fairly basic thing, never used it much. trevor
  24. Well, the marquee requires 4 wall sections and 4 wall section ends, so presumably you need 8 wall pieces? Have the wall ends been left laced up to the wall sections?. trevor
  25. Here's the glasgow wellbike advertt: http://glasgow.craigslist.co.uk/cbd/4291388247.html It was under 'collectibles' trevor
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