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Everything posted by GeePig

  1. I remember I taught my brother, a trainee accountant at the time, how to strip and rebuild engines and gearboxes using the engine and gearbox out of one of these. Lovely and simple to work on...
  2. Do these manuals happen to have an engine cross-section, one showing or not the presence of an oil scraper ring? trevor
  3. Note the footpump on the left, presumably this set was using liquid fuel? trevor
  4. I remember one of those bridges lying near the entrance to Rowcroft Barracks in Ashford in the 1970s and 1980s. It wouldn't fit on my bicycle, tho. trevor
  5. Oh, excellent, what a great Victorian name for the engineering works - 'Hope Works', a classic pun :-D
  6. It is also worth considering the electrical systems. Ultimately, the failure might not be a simple shortage of fuel arriving in the cylinders, it might be, or also be, a failure to ignite the fuel, or maintain the burning sufficiently for the flame to propagate across the cylinder. It may be that your plugs, leads or coil(s) are just pushing you over into a non-start situation. Years ago I had a persistent loss of power problem with my Honda C70 step-thru that felt like fuel. It was, but it wasn't just that, the condenser was mounted to the generator backplate, and on the other side of the backplate was the hot engine oil, and I was trying to ride the bike over Alpine passes. By mounting a replacement condenser on the frame of the bike, the problem went away because now it could fire whatever the state of the fuel in the chamber. trevor
  7. I have no idea. But what is the yellow truck beside it, looks quite clean? Trevor
  8. If anyone is thinking of taking some pictures to age it is worth considering real pictures from the past - generally most amateur pictures were taken with something like a box Brownie, and hence are often a bit blurry. Professional shots, on the other hand, were sharply focussed, crisp even, and were taken from the right angle, and showed nothing more and nothing less than what they intended you to see. So... unless you really know what you are doing, using that well focussed shot taken with some DSLR or bridge camera might not be the best start point for a convincing final image. A simple cameraphone might serve you a whole lot better by putting you halfway to that 'Brownie' style shot with a whole lot less editing effort. For my images I use my cameraphone or I quickly click thru the automatic settings on my little camera until what I am seeing looks the most like the result I finally want. Oh, and if you have no one draping themselves over your vehicle, consider getting down on one knee and try taking a shot from that height. My wife usually drags me back up if I get stuck :-D trevor
  9. If your standard trailer lamps are dim, then maybe while you are getting 6.1V, do you think there is a chance you might not be getting any real power - possibly due to a partly broken wire or joint? trevor
  10. Thanks, and hence explaining the pictures trevor
  11. Do you think the tyre is the cause of the (now) missing panelling in the propeller duct? trevor
  12. ...expected to rise to a more serious Level 3, meaning that health Authorities are to 'Take Action' for vulnerable and elderly vehicles, with the Hottest parts being the East and South East of the country. Take care at the show, take lots of water and keep them in the shade.
  13. And don't forget airfield defence tasks. There is even a thread on here about RAF armoured cars: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?39512-Fordson-based-Rolls-Royce-Armoured-cars trevor
  14. Oh, I thought it was a stylistic choice to give that dreamy, olde worlde look.
  15. Back when I was an engineer, we were doing development work on a small military aero engine. Small, well it still had a 5 foot twin blade wooden propeller. Because we were a small company with many projects on the go, we lacked anywhere to run the engine, so we got permission to use a small wood beside a grass landing strip near the village in which we were based. Now for the part where H&S should look away. We had this mounted on an old four-wheel motorcycle trailer (um, wobbly, too), and we lacked any kind of prop cage, even though we were using carburettors, and, due to the lack of manpower, I ran it on my own, plus since our sole half-brick mobile phone contract had run out I had no way of calling for help either. The day came when I had to adjust the engine at full throttle, 7000 rpm with a prop speed of 2500 rpm. I should have gone and got the support of a technician, but it was a long way back and I might lose half a day's testing. So, there I was, lying over the intakes, 6 inches of steel carburettor adjusting tool in one hand, prop whirring by about 12 inches away, when the engine stuttered. Ho ho... When any engine stutters it jumps a bit in its mounts, more so with a propeller attached. Since I was precariously balanced on the side of the trailer, I kind of lost grip of the tool as I grabbed hold of a carb to stop myself from falling into the prop. I can still see the tool tumbling down the gap between the propeller and the radiator, turning end over end. And then it wasn't there. If a propeller breaks, it just explodes. I know, I had seen it happen. Without a load, the engine would then attempt to leap out of its mounts, into my lap. I smacked the throttle lever shut, the engine subsided, and I saw that the propeller was still there, in one piece. Later, after I had switched the engine off and hugged a tree for a bit, I found a small dent in the tip of one of the prob blades, and my tool some distance away through the trees. We built a prop cage the next day. trevor
  16. GeePig

    Parade Flags

    Well, I don't usually have much time for flags, but I would like to see it
  17. Oh, so you don't bolt it to your wheel for a bit of motorway mayhem, then? I wonder why it is so long. Is it to allow a wheel to be slid out to give you access to something? Or to allow a wheel to be fitted if one has gone astray?
  18. I don't see a problem with picture 11 from a child's point of view, but I suspect that the subject herself may be a tad embarrassed unfairly - and for that reason I think the picture should be pulled.
  19. Is the pickaxe a part of your normal tyre repair equipment?
  20. I like what you're doing with this trevor
  21. When I was about 6 I repainted my Matchbox CA almost exactly that colour.
  22. Well, I think I might have helped clear the way to the answer, no way did I want to get the correct answer for both latrine questions...
  23. Native troops in India? Or an emergency bucket :-D
  24. Well, someone has to clean out stables, and deposit the results somewhere...
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