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Everything posted by ashley

  1. do you consider your self a "crack pot" :-D Ashley
  2. Hi Andy, welcome to the club :thumbsup: as for the link i remember Pinky and Perky sang a better cover version.........the only problem with these links is that it can take me sometimes several houre to rejoin the forum as i get sidetracked hhhmmmmm Ashley
  3. One of my fathers many collections of Simpson barracks was (supposedly) that some of the lower ranks being placed in to tin baths on the parade square and then hosed and scrubbed by thier barrack room mates to persuade them to be more hygenic in thier approach to life ? But there again this could be any barracks Ashley
  4. Alright Jack Bates see you there :pfrt::pfrt::pfrt: some one using Ashleys computer
  5. Ooooooohhh nooooo i must be the only sane one here :nut::shake: judging by some posts...but there again i could be amonghst like minded people, just love the ladies in clogs. Ashley
  6. Thanks for the welcome lads :thumbsup: please help yourselves to the virtual cream cakes in the fridge (Jack do not lick them all first then replace them back in the fridge) :n00b: tut tut Hopefully see you in the executive Jeep jockeys bar at Beltring Ashley
  7. They used to have a museum at Simpson Barracks near Northampton if it is still running / I believe i am correct that a Sergent in the RPC is the only rank in the British army allowed to wear a "full set " (mustache and beard) sorry just done a search to find that the barracks no longer exsist Ashley
  8. it seems strange that there is so much shadow on his face....... unless he is a Bevin boy ? Ashley
  9. Younger eh ! you can say that as often as you like Tony....but you`ll have to put a good team if you want to stand a chance of getting one of these Ashley
  10. If you be nice to us Jack me boy we might produce a coloured wiring diagram for that ......herrm mans truck for you to work from :cool2: Ashley (reader of Janet and John books)
  11. Hi Tony, you had better book in Hong Kong Dave i belive his reg no is PAS 518 but will check next week when i see him. Ashley
  12. On my last visit to Falaise at the Trun scrap yard the `fence line` was partially made up of these types of wooden/composite material cabs, also among-st other items a complete Opel Maultier (half tracked truck) and a large stack of 88 MM barrels. Ashley
  13. Hi and welcome, Met a chap and his wife at Beltring a couple of years ago who owned a vw van (Bundesweher) with all the radio kit etc. Ashley Ashley
  14. possibly.................the post digestive emissions certainly will be :shake: Ashley
  15. :idea: Why wait for the inevitable get a trim just like Enigma and you won`t have worry about thinning on top :-D Ashley
  16. Better take a sack of sprouts for him Dave :-X :whistle: Ashley
  17. Must of been a carry over from the footwear (clogs) :-D Ashley
  18. The combe on the top is usually a feature of (german) fireman helmets, so this is either made up or possibly a swiss fireman helmet. Ashley
  19. Hi very nice Kubel :thumbsup: even nicer with out SS number plates and spurious "Normandy Camo" Ashley
  20. Hhhmmm i didn`t think the French were that bad :nono: Ashley
  21. I thought that these had been illegal for some years mainly due to the fact that they do not really reflect the `flash` given off by speed cameras for all those naughty speeders :nono::nono: :n00b: That is the act of fitting and using them on the public highway not the actual manufacture or selling of these items. Ashley
  22. Hi Robin, you could of at least post a picture of it :-D:-D , is it still standard or have you converted it to a German style H/track ?? Ashley
  23. I would not of thought that U.S. trops would have named it "Avenger" that is fairly mundane name for an American vehicle ?? Ashley
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