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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. I've always cut the long edge of a piece of 12" x 8" card to fit a section of the rim for 20" rims and bigger. Works ok but a bit fiddly to keep tight in, and you have to keep moving the card as the gun goes round the edge - now for me that is a bit too much like like multi-tasking (and you can't have a paint brush in the spare hand to deal with runs :blush: ) I'll definitely be trying your idea next time!
  2. Welcome, Alan. The next stage in your induction (or is it immersion?) is to get a vehicle. In your case you're in luck - I can put you on to a totally original FWD-SUCOE chassis cab Now, now, no excuses!!!
  3. The cynical might conclude it is merely a result of having to comply with a tight short-term budget. In all probablility the long-term cost (of moving the gear, renting premises / building a new facility abroad, obtaining planning consent to develop a replacement facility back here, and then building it) will more than gobble up any short-term gain from selling the land for redevelopment. But that is the only way to meet the short-term goal. That's exactly what has happened with PFI hospitals. Oh yes, we really have lost the plot. Anyone noticed the recent exponential increase in self-storage units? Just an idea :whistle:
  4. Well without doubt the MOD are about to lose the plot (at Aschcroft) :cool2: :laugh: Taxi!
  5. I would have thought there was a good disused railway tunnel not that far away from Ashcroft......
  6. Ray, I've got a couple which appear to charge fine from a desperate state - but there is in fact very little reserve in them (bit like sulphating up I guess). They test ok with a quick dab of the resistance load tester, but when cranking for more than a few seconds will rapidly discharge, rendering them useless.:embarrassed:
  7. :nono: Caution - gearbox and axle oil is notoriously difficult to wash off the sheets, a dead giveaway.
  8. Coleman chassis and Quickway crane? Like the one in LW Vass's yard in the late 70's early 80's.
  9. Suggestion: Speak to Dave Crouch. Buy a tyre and wheel assembly, same make and degree of wear as the ones you have, (or better still with your journey in mind buy a truck load :D:D) and ask him if he would arrange to have it freighted down to where the truck is stored. Might cost a bob or two for freight but will save a load of time, hassle, and whatever else to pick one up somewhere.
  10. :-D:-D So - you could buy a load of sh*te, spend a load of £ and do a total restoration to concourse condition , and still be the proud owner of a load of sh*te! It's a good job we're romantics isn't it? :-D
  11. Whatever way you look at it, that's a lot of truck(s) for the money :-)
  12. Well - yes and no Robin, if that makes any sense. From my post above: Absolutely top banana, Radek! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: And well done to that Kewelde fellow for bothering to post the K2's plight in the first place, without which this rescue may not have happened :thumbsup: . Richard is actually mentioned here, although I'll leave it for him to explain :cool2:
  13. Yes, I got the distinct impression the dozer - whilst it may have initially have got into a bit of wet ground - was suffering here more from frozen up tracks (especially left hand one) since it was stuggling to help the Scammell, even when sitting on top of the ground!
  14. I once got a referral to a clinic. Does that count?
  15. Hey Richard, that's the least of your worries. According to your profile you've had 4 referrals :wow:
  16. I look up to Richard Farrant because he has more REP POWER than me. But I look down on Gerry275 because he has less REP POWER than me. :-D
  17. If you scroll down to the botom of this page there is a fascinating film showing WW1 light railways - amazing footage!!
  18. Welcome Garry. Those Icelandic 4x4s with oversize tyres for the snow are the business!. I guess the Bedford MK runs on 20.5 x 25 tyres when you're at home in the snow?
  19. Give us time, Robin!! It can be a slow process sometimes! All I can suggest is that IF my assumption about the MF back hoe is correct, and IF anyone can i.d. the tracked base (I can't, but then I know nothing about them), then I would say it is quite possible that Alvis did a quick cut and shut job. If the tracked base is unknown then it may well be a purely speculative design??
  20. What G506 said. And use the phone - I've found that once telephonic contact is established the transactions can be concluded by email.
  21. Look after them well! For what it's worth - I once had to clear a relative's house and came across two shoe boxes full of cards and letters from WW1 sent home by the father. At that time I had no interest, but I made sure the collection went to the one relative who did have a very strong interest. However.... Some years later I mentioned this collection to the old soldier's Regimental museum - they were really excited and replied that these letters are in fact a far more valuable resource, both as display items and as research material than for example medals, which they are given all the time. Apparently such letters are frequently destroyed by relatives or those clearing properties, being considered too personal. I hope to get the collection back one day so the museum can have them.
  22. I wonder if that is the same Massey Ferguson designed back hoe which I believe was mounted onto a variety of military machines.
  23. It wasn't me, honest :shocking::police:
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