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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Sorry but there's just nothing like the real thing.
  2. It didn't worry the Yanks I wonder if the canvas / dope covering of the Wellington wings may have been suseptible to burning / damage from exhaust flames on start-up? Interesting how old film footage throws up little operational quirks like this.
  3. The only thing I can think of is to smother or prevent any flames........?
  4. There's an intersting moment at 20.45 odd where the Wellington engines are being fired up - a groundcrew erk is seen to be smothering the exhaust outlet with canvas or blanket while the engine is cranked over. What's that all about then? Normally you'd cover the air inlet to choke a reluctant engine???
  5. Was that name on a Lancaster? Have you got a picture? Oh, you mean the film.......:blush:
  6. JACK!!!!! The Forum's automated language translator seems to have gone on the blink again - can you fix please? Waitresses in the Clubhouse cafe? Now we're getting somewhere :-)
  7. The cab cover looks a very neat job, and co-ordinated colour too! That will save some weathering. Could you possibly show us a view of the cover from the rear?
  8. Nice linky, Dutchman. Only had time to skim through it, but some nice MV fleet footage as the crews arrive back for de-briefing. Anyone notice the B17 named PULMADIQUE? :whistle:
  9. Now that looks like a plan that's coming together well! :thumbsup: Looking forward to the next installment - it's all very motivational stuff for the rest of us! You didn't get those data plates from Lt. Horne by any chance?
  10. Here's a more detailed account of Art's efforts, but there is a better version out there somewhere...... http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2968
  11. Like this site for example: http://www.agilitynut.com/gas/airplanes.html
  12. Still there! http://www.thebomber.com/ I was wrong about the owner crashing the first plane he bought - he crashed the first two he attempted to fly there! :blush: His name was Art Lacey - he worked on B 17s during the war but apparently was not the best pilot. If you google B 17 fuel station you'll be able to keep yourself out of mischief for an entire evening (and night!) :coffee:
  13. Wasn't there a story somewhere about this recently, or I read it in a book? The owner of a garage / truck stop decided to buy a war surplus B-17 so he read up a bit on how to fly one. The first one he took from the desert compound he managed to take off ok but crashed en route, so he went back and bought another. This one he flew landed successfully on the highway (with some help from a wartime pilot) and taxied it into the site. He got into trouble from the cops for driving a plane on the highway.
  14. Without a thermostat the water will be circulating on full flow from start-up, and will take a fair time to warm up (if ever with some engine installations!). With a thermostat fitted it would initially not circulate around the block, allowing the engine to warm up quickly. Many vehicle engines would probably run too cold without a thermostat fitted. Remember if the water temp drops too low during use the thermostat will begin to close, thus regulating water flow and cooling capacity. An example being all those old tractors which used to run all day in winter with either a radiator curtain or a bit of Griff66's cardboard covering the entire rad
  15. I was led to believe that just the tractor unit was a UK machine, it was used by a company local to Alan and came from a scrapyard yard nearby? Wasn't that one a 6x4? Went to Bristol area I believe. I never took any pictures when I visited - I was so busy looking in three directions at once at all the eye candy!!!
  16. Another two - one is taken from the passenger footwell (spot the wooden steering wheel!):
  17. Can't believe it was back in Juy 2007 when I wrote this (post 161 on Scrap Yard Relics thread): Another Norfolk yard from Tuesday this week - 2 x Chev 1.5T this time, and these are available.........spares only I would imagine. The rear truck is a Post Hole Borer, as it has the original Highway winch behind what is left of cab. You need to be brave to take on these trucks (and the owner!), a very good cab is available (with trucks only?) If interested, PM me with your contact tel. and I will gladly pass on to owner. Have you recovered from the negotiations yet, M? :cool2: :-D :rofl: And all credit to you for taking them on :shocked: Here are the pics I posted back then plus a few more (if you'd like some high res. copies, let me know) Tony
  18. 4430116 is indeed an Autocar - Roy's U-7144T ex Beke's yard. The other is a cabover GMC 6x6 :-) Nice pics.
  19. Matt - my recommendation was only offered as a result of your post 6 where you mention a cheap A2 style jacket :idea: Do you have a ball park budget in mind for jacket and for artwork?
  20. Do you mean that plastic fuel filter that looks like it might be brittle and liable to split in two at any moment, Degsy? :shocked: Is the answer the air in the fuel filter?
  21. Looking for a suitable jacket? There was a clue in post 7 :yawn: :goodidea: :coffee:
  22. This has to be the ultimate GMC conversion!!! :banana: What other quality MV conversions are out there?
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