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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. :idea: Nellie! NELLIE Conceived by Churchill, worried that the creation of the Siegfried Line by the Germans would once again give rise to a 'No Mans Land' between opposing forces during WW2. His idea was for a machine capable of digging a trench through No Mans Land big enough to move troops and vehicles under cover of darkness. Despite evidence early in the war that this time the fighting in Europe would be different, Churchill pushed ahead with Project "White Rabbit" (later "Cultivator No. 6"). Treasury approval was granted for a batch of 240 machines. The result was a massive tank - type trenching machine, in two sizes - the narrow 'infantry' version and a wider 'officer' (tank - width trench) version. By November 1941 an 'Infantry' type machine was successfully trialled, proving the concept by cutting a mile long trench across a minefield and other obstacles. Dimensions of this beast were: Weight 131 tons Length 77 ft 6" Width 18 ft 6" over blade Trench cut 7 ft 6" wide, 5 ft deep Digging Speed 0.5 mph In total 5 were constructed, but ended up in storage at RE Long Marston. It is rumoured that the operation to scrap them was too secret for military personnel, so German prisoners of war were used (!). It is believed that he last one survived at Long Marston until 1950.
  2. Mr. Wallsgrove? His WLF featured in a Commercial Motor Xmas Road Test Jan 1996 - great article!
  3. Isn't that a lovely period curved cab roof on the Central Garage wagon? Highlands somewhere?
  4. Whether the weather be wet, Whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather - Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not
  5. Exactly. I'll let you know what I find out about tank additives this week via a major tractor main dealer which has taken the lead around my area in finding solutions to this quite serious problem for infrequent use vehicles. It isn't two years that's the problem - anything in a vehicle over a few months old has the potential to cause major headaches, especially if the tank and lines are exposed to climate / weather likely to cause condensation in the system. Also note it is possible to get red diesel delivered in 200l drums.
  6. It has been discussed at length on here before. Bio fuel produced from crops (the main source for the stuff currently being blended into mineral oil diesel) contains plant cells, if stored in the fuel system for any length of time they feed off microsopic particles of water (condensation in the system in the tank, pipes, filters, pump etc) and multiply. They grow and form fist sized jelly-like donuts in the tank and also very hard growth on smaller components. Eat through filters, you name it. I believe several folk on here have experienced the joys of it at first hand - I'm trying to work out how to avoid the problem (additives etc?) before buying any more bulk diesel. I would imagine that used chip shop oil has been sterilised by the fryer heat? :-D
  7. Bio fuel burns fine - you just can't afford to leave it in the system............
  8. Why would anyone possibly want a kinetic strap? Up a bit...down a bit....up a bit...for crying out loud keep it still! :???
  9. Tyres and cables - job to tell if the cable was threaded through them all, I think some were but some were just laid on top or underneath. I've seen this done to take some energy out of the cable if it snaps. Your opinion on this, Cosrec?
  10. Are you sure about this? Isn't the problem here the EU legislation which came into force 1st Jan 2011 saying you cannot use diesel with sulphur content higher than 10ppm in non-road mobile machinery? So any red diesel which is lower than 10ppm gets bio fuel added in, leaving the red diesel which is +10ppm for marine use? So you cannot legally use the non - bio fuel diesel in plant? I hope I'm wrong, but I have a horrible feeling this is the case - I'll find out next week :cool2:
  11. And have fun draining the fuel system completely down after each and every outing (or more accurately refilling and bleeding the system before use each time) - for how else are you going to eliminate the problems caused by 7% bio diesel in red diesel now? I'm about to look at additives - it isn't the storage tank that worries me with regard to condensation, but the vehicles which hold the diesel as some of them only get used very 6 to 9 months or so. Apparently you can still get non-bio added red but it is only for marine use and it is allegedly illegal to use it in off road vehicles / plant. What a glorious f*** up by all those involved in this wonderful bit of legislation. Perhaps they'd like to come and refill and bleed my machines each time? Thought not.....
  12. Jeepers that's ugly. Great link - there are several views of this ww1 beauty:
  13. What about using green oak then? Taxi!
  14. Andy - I reckon you're looking for csk bolts with the square shank underneath the head and no slot. Do a search for Plough bolts (or Plow bolts if you eat giant burgers and drove a CCKW in the war). They are available from 8mm dia. which is what you need (oh come on, who's going to know if they're metric or not? :cool2:)
  15. And the forecast for Saturday and Sunday looks very promising :cool2:
  16. Jack - I'd like to nominate DEGSY for this month's HMVF Shield for his lubrication advice combined with perseverence in the face of adversity.
  17. Yes - you then get trouble with seals and they end up having to use a lot of detergent :whistle:
  18. Ian - have you been in touch with ACH at Gt Yarmouth? He had a QL and some parts, maybe a box - and was getting rid of stuff I believe, not sure if he still visits the forum? Tony
  19. My guess is that this is just a standard mineral oil, specially blended just means it is a 20W50, and so being somewhat thicker than your normal 15W40 promotion oil means that it is more suitable for knackered old lumps sorry, I mean classic engines from the 60s 70s and 80s :-D Oh and I use 20W50 in my GMC now, having unintentionally flushed it through with copious amounts of straight 30. And that was after donkeys years of running on 15W40. Mind you, it probably all comes out of the same tank...... And no, I don't really know what I'm doing with oils any more. I used to be quite happy in my own little world until I started reading all the advice on here and now I'm thoroughly confused :sweat: If I can't decide on a bottle of wine I go by the label which catches my eye. Now I quite like the yellow and blue packaging that Morris use :cheesy: I think at the end of the day, unless you and your treasured MV are going to be hauling 5 T over the Red Ball route for the next month without time for a bath or proper breakfast, your choice of oil ain't gonna make that much difference?
  20. They reminded me of the Scudders from Red Dwarf, scruffy! I liked the way the digger disappeared every time the tension was released.:-X Interesting use of timber rolls (forgotten the name) and also heavy tyres threaded onto the cables. Hey, you don't suppose everyone stepped back before each pull because it is in fact true that winch cables can be dangerous, do you? :rolleyes:
  21. Welcome Georgina! I can appreciate the fun and games in trying to meet the aspirations of everyone who frequents War and Peace - the show's very success is in part due to the wide variety of people who participate, that variety being the very thing which makes it next to impossible to please everyone. Having said that, many of the views expressed here do seem to be very valid points which would not take vast effort or cost to satisfy. If the incoming fire gets too hot you'd be welcome to make use of my secret air raid shelter hidden within the vast Club House grounds, but please - not when I'm hiding in it!!!!! :shake:
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