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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Try TEWT, Tactical Excircise Without troops, or NEWN Night Excersise Without Night.
  2. The obvious people for advice then are Headcorn. That is exactaly what is was.
  3. Sounds like it will be cheaper to lay concrete and then rip it up. What about a woven geo textile? they have improved remarkably nowadays. Bearing in mind a lot of WW2 aircraft were grass strip capable, maybe choose another feild.
  4. Hi mate, unfortunatley in exile over here. Yes I know Richard, (muttering and jealousy of the various kit he has ) I do have an intrest in a Dodge WC54 over there though. Hoping to plan something for the 65th anniversary next year on May 9th though.
  5. If you find a very large Diamond T driven by a very large irritated man coming through the front door, you'll know I passed the comment on. :cool2:
  6. Tony B


    Yes but!!! there was also.................KYLIE MINOUGE :shocked: :noyay:
  7. If you have watched the recent TV 'The Real Dad's Army' you have an idea of how fast our WW2 history is being forgotten. Despite living in the area for a long time, the first screening of this programme was the first time I'd heard of the Pett's Wood Battery. The Area is now a nature reserve and the council seem much mor eintrested in that. The information board has no memtion of the battery. You can see from the view why it was mounted there. The tower on the left is the Tilbury Power Station and the two parralel pairs on the left are the Queen Elizabeth bridge at Dartford. Virtualy no signs are left on the ground. Position N51' 24.233' E ooo' 05.442'
  8. As said. a lovley bright morning, and the perfect excuse to go for a walk. The position of the Ellis memorial is N 51' 21.416' E 000' 05.442' the memorial is on the hill top looking north out over the city he died defending.
  9. Tony B


    Oh come on, all the Australians did to us was Home and Away and Neighbours!
  10. Mark, I've been along part of the road, probaly about a quarter mile from the memorial every day at least ten times for the last couple of weeks! it is part of the R1 bus route!! will be up there tommorow with camera, also the Pett's Wood gun site mentioned in 'the real Dad's Army'. Judging from the Shoreham site the memorial is on teh section from Court Road to Chelsfeild Station.
  11. Are you suggesting there are a load of B's on the forum then? :-D
  12. It sounds like the story of the tunnel from Fort Halstead to the Sevenoaks rail tunnel. Everyone will tell you it's there, just no one can find it.
  13. Tony B


    When! When! John Wayne's Greenberet' was on last night. Any plans to add a Cobra or Puff the Magic Dragon to the fleet?
  14. Spoke to a friend of mine recently who runs a demolition firm about reclaimed timber. Unfortunatley most is now puplped as the work of getting nails etc out just dosent make it worth selling on. so saying our local free friday ads paper often has reclaimed timber.
  15. Tony B


    So much for 'Friendly' then!:-D
  16. I think it's because we have the old fashioned virtue of being 'civil', yes we argue but there is always a peacemaker, and no one feels they are diminished by apologising. Plus, the moderator's are not afraid to come in, always politley and positivley.
  17. I don't care what they said! I told you it was to muddy to support a Centurion!!!
  18. I don't care WHAT you say! this WON'T makeit amphibious!
  19. Yes, i know it haven't been there for a few years. Must make the effort. you know, that's the beauty of this place. I go past Warren road nearly every day to work, and never knew about Ellis till now.
  20. Welcome to the clubhouse, watch the stairlift though. Some of the 'Younger' members thought it would be fun to fit NOX to it.
  21. He'll have the neighbours sending around petions and Greenpeace chained to the bathroom door!. :cool2: Wait till he asks for a fifth terminal!.
  22. If we send this to Mark, do you think we can graduate to 'Turret Totty'?
  23. Yep got one! Well a bit of a hybrid, I was given a chore horse and a 1953 BSA set. The magneto plate and flywheel of the BSA are now fitted to the chore horse. We use it to power up HRO's in the back of Phil Web's QLR.
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