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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. If you want to be able to navigate to an exact feild entrance. Microsoft Auto route with GPS. Works very well, except you have to lug the computer with you. Otherwise I use a Sony Nav-U.
  2. so being toughie cavalrymen we just got cold. And wet. And tired. Yeah but, we were all younger and stupider then! :-D
  3. Alternatley large scale air charts could be the answer.
  4. Odd to think as a kid it was 'Deeer! Another clapped out Dak, why can't we have a nice shiny Viscount or vanguard!. :n00b:
  5. Our 'Friend' gets about don't he. OR is it the Lady with the foreign city name creeping in? :shocked:
  6. There a place in Wiltshire, can't remember name wher over the years near a place called the 'Trouble Inn', where over the years a serious of road acidents have been blamed on ahorseman riding down the middle of the road. no person is ever found and it is belived to be the ghost of a Cavalier killed in an incident at the inn. Some years back there were a serious of crashes on the bridge over the Thames at Hampton Court. Going south to north there is a very slight bend in bridge, drivers, nearly always MALE, kept hitting the bridge. The answer was found!! As you go over the bridge you looked into the second floor of the riverside cottages. One well built lady had a habit of excersing in her bedroom with the curtains open, not overly covered! :cool2:
  7. You might like this then. She was landed on the beach at St Helier, jersey May 9th 2005. The sixteth anniversary of the Liberation.
  8. As mentioned lost several kilos of weight veeery rapiadily. does make a point though, ALWAYS expect the unexpected.
  9. Hey Guys I have an idea!! :idea: Let's just all hibernate for the rest of the winter!
  10. :cry: All I got was sevral ephiepts from passengers, though most saw the point and we all ended up creased with laughter and relif. the reaction from 'Them above' was 'you haven't damaged the bus have you?' :n00b: Oh and a few free teas at the canteen for the laugh.
  11. The cold weather having disappeared, at least temporarily, gone to rain and high winds. Bimbiling happily down from Orpington station the fences around the Tesco building site had blown down, so I was keeping my little red bus very close to the high central reservation, came round a bend, OH F&*(($$$$ HELL and B$£%%^&*( THERE'S A BODY in the middle of the ROAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Stood on the brakes, stuck one foot through the floor, stuck hands out of window scraping finger nails on taramac stood bus on it's nose , passengers hanging on screaming epithethets and prayers. So eyes shut heart going like sledge hammer, Oh PLEASE. DEAR GOD ! let me have stopped in time! Large brown stain on seat! Finally plucked up courage to look. There lying across the road Was a child sized store clothes dummy!!!!!!
  12. Figures or numbers Mark, it is unbeliavble to stand anywhere on the Somme battlefeild on a beutiful July morning, with butterflys, calfs suckilng, life drifting quietly along, and think back over the centuries to the conflict the area has seen.
  13. Every grave story, never forget there is a person under there. Morbid is to me buying a helmet because the seller claims there are still human remains in it. Take the recent discussions over the Polish airmen in St Mary Cray Cemetery, that has spread out to the Royal Canadian Air Force, discussions of air traffic control of the period in addition to the information helping Polish Memorials researchers. So what's morbid about it. the Ancient Greeks belived while a man's name is spocken he does not die. the internet now gives unrivalled aces, so people are researching, they might know Great Uncle fred was killed on a certain day at a certain place, now the internet alows them to flesh out the Who What Where When How importantly WHY?
  14. May he get the rest he has earned.
  15. I didn't think of a Ford, the picture is dated September 1942 Kent Yeomanary near Tobruck.
  16. Another one, 1941 97th (Kent Yeomanary) Feild regiment RA, 1941. Notice frame over the back.
  17. Tannin is a marvelous stuff, makes incredibly tough leather as well.
  18. Honduras Mahogany during world war two was the specified wood for the US Higgin's Boat landing craft. It was only after the orders had been placed that the US Military found out the entire last two seasons production had been bought by one person , by the name of Mr Higgins. :-D
  19. Welcome, nice to see the HMVf building up the other side of the pond. Pull up the floor and join in.
  20. One of my old teachers, told a story of his landing on D-Day. A German jumped in front of him at a range of about six feet. He let fly with all six shots from his Webley revolver and mised. At this point they both looked at each other, and ran in opposite directions. Another had German officers billited in his house when he was about 10 years old. One day he was working on the kitchen table when one of them asked what he was doing. He replied very rudley telling the German to mind his buissnes. The German complained to his mother, who clipped him round the ear for being rude. By the way, he had been making crystal radio sets.
  21. Or maybe CW is trying to get hold it for clandistine meetings with his new Paris Armor? :cool2:
  22. If it isn't the rain that gets you , it's the condensation. Lining with carpet or polystrine roof tiles works, but you have to do it summer when the roof is dry and warm to get the glue to stick.
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