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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome back Andy. :-D As you see the old place ain't changed much still arguing if someone says 'Good morning'. The only new thing is we are preparing a place for Snapper in the SAGA lounge of the club house.
  2. Welcome to the forum, as you may have gathered Sanity is optional. :-D
  3. Welcome, Dorset seems to a busy place at the moment, mostly congrgating on Jack's GMC.
  4. Profit, or otherwise, is made from landing fees and air traffic control charges. ATC used to be at West Drayton, then moved to Swanage a few years back,the start up made Terminal 5 look like a minor hicup.
  5. Outof intrest, what would a Jeep tow like this? I read somewhere in a Land Rover blurb that series 2 on rails could pull about 60 tons. Seems a bit extreme though.
  6. Hey mate I'm all for the K.I.S.S. principle, Keep It Simple Stupid! Make something fool proof, the human race responds by making a better fool. :-D
  7. Wev'e gone down the mouse with clogs on in the windmill route already! No more karioke PLEASE!! :shake:
  8. We can name the first one the Paris Hilton room. :cool2: Unfortunatley there has been a slight mishap on the bridge over the DUKW pond.
  9. I did manage to totally seal a hardtop once. Then drove through a deep puddle and got soacked as the water fountained up through the transmission tunnel.
  10. Might it have had some civillian life? Utitlities is the normally the US term for gas , electric, water services.
  11. Possibly the logic of the simple? :-D
  12. It has also just been announced that BMI are pulling there Channel Island Heathrow service , two years after with much fanfare re-instating it, reason cost and no customer's. Remeber that BAA is now partly owned offshore. Local European flight journeys can now be achived quicker and cheaper by high speed train from London. There is also Gatwick, with the ongoing chestnut of a SECOND runway. Most jobs at Airports are low paid unskilled. Having worked at Heathrow and Gatwick, including being there during building of Terminal 4 that was going to cure all ills. Forget it, regardless of what has been said, the area around Heathrow the infrastructure just won't take any more. Roads overcrowded, public transport a joke. Notice an entire villiage, has to go to make it fit.
  13. The mounts are usable. A radio ariel is tuned as a ratio of the wavelength. most civil CB ariels are shorter because of windings in them, the length is coiled. If you don't want to chop about military kit use a length of thin rod, also let you get the length right.
  14. On the other hand, electrically heated seats can be a God send on frostbite runs! :cool2:
  15. Ah Bach!! this assumes good Welsh Steam Coal look you boyo!:cool2:
  16. Wellcome foundation are also doing an exhibition on Military Medical History, Euston road about two minutes from Euston station.
  17. Not suprisingly, I have been looking for information on Horace Ratclife, unfortunatley nothing in my available info. I did come across this though for Sapper G.E. Onions 2nd platoon 259 Feild coy Royal Enginners. Died 21.06 1945 buried at St Anne's Church Alderney. When you return to claim your Island home. Let our rejoicing hearts restrain their joy. And mediate; you who have English blood. Or, owe allegiance to the English throne. Seek English justice, and claim your English rights, Look on this little mound of fresh cut turf, And read his Epitaph; here buried lies, The shattered corpse of but a boy, Who gave his life to make your land safe Returned to English dust to cleanse our soil, That this grim corner of the commonwealth Might once again by England’s – her field’ Her air, and all the azure sea around, All her flowers, birds and every tree, Because this Tommy died – for Alderney It should also be said that a number of German personnel took part in clearing munitions from the Islands, gaining the respect and friendship of thier Allied counterparts, some also died as a result of this work.
  18. IWM at Elephant & Castle. NAM at Chelsea, even the V&A has some historic military kit.
  19. You don't ned a mechanic anymore, you need a computer proggrammer. I know a case of a luxury car that did not run right from day one. Following three or four months of in and out of dealearship, a representative of the factory came and gave the verdict. 'The computer does not have the latest proggramme to diagnos the problem'.
  20. Most generators, will charge up to 25 amp. A battery is a storage vessel, if the tap is on slow it may take a long time to fill, but you will have it there. The more powerful the battery the more umph it gives to start the vehicle, so actually works less. Should the vehicle decide to be difficult, then you have more reserve to crank over.
  21. OY won't it work this time? :cool2: The best answer is the most pwerful battery you can fit in the space. Minimum would be 60 amp look for a crancking power of about 550. Batteries seem to have dropped in price at the moment. Though many will scream blue murder a 'Recreational ' type battery will hold charge better over long periods. I've had no problems using one on my Dodge.
  22. Look for 1) Range of maps already on the unit. 2) Does the unit have traffic update facility, this can instantally re-direct you around jams. 4 ) Cost and ease of any updates in the future. 5) Options to select routes, some of our old kit don't like three hundred miles on a motorway. Tom Tom may be the market leader, but that don't make them the best.
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