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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Thought it was familiar! I'm sure the gun is still at Firepower.
  2. Thanks for that. I'm more used to seeing the wooden shutter marks used on German fortifications.
  3. Lucky..mutter...mutter..... Go on spill beans where did it come from , what history have you goet?
  4. Unfortunatl;ey flare pistols are section five. For those outside UK, Class 1 firearms, ie rifled barrel target rifles etc, ned a Police firarm certificate, isuued by local force. Section 5, prohibited weapons require a licnce granted by the Secratary of State. The classification covers all sorts of things including pepper spray. My vet has a blow gun used to dart anthitiose animals. This counts as section 5 because the drugs used are 'Noxious Substances'.
  5. There has been a new company operating out to the Castle, but, .......
  6. There are similar high angle battreys on top of Portland Bill. Unfortunatley last time I was there to dark to use camera.
  7. Hi Frank, you'll be invaluable to us with ex Norwegian Dodges.
  8. Welcome in, there are quite a few stone heads about.
  9. The Hythe & Dymchurch railway has a couple of the disgused pumping stations on the route.
  10. The outer detail looks intresting, never seen corugatted iron formers used before. A thought, is tghe inside the same corrigations? Wonder if the were hollow lattice then filled with concrete?
  11. Welcome in, you can park on top of Jack's Ivory Tower on the club house. Need something to get out of there!
  12. Start clearing out the tat lads!! We've obviously got a right one there! :cool2:
  13. Tony B


    At least you've proved the basic soundness, swing the beast up into the air. Be worth it though to see another old lady running.
  14. The DUKWS in Jersey retired some time in the late 1970's. The Puddleducks were purpose built in Germany, though what the componets are I don't know. They to have now retired and I belive been sold due to the company losing the contract.
  15. Happy birthday, try to remember tonight, tommorow.
  16. Peter (Army chef) has Gazinta soup, whatever he has Gazinta it.
  17. Coke make a fortune bottling Sidcup tap water. :-D
  18. Welcome Gavin, if you are speciffically into Signals try this link: http://goldbeach.org.uk/
  19. Try this Le Niere Beurre Ingridents 10 Gallons home made Cider 700 pounds of sweet peeled aples 3 sticks of liquirce, finley chopped 3 lemons 20 pounds of sugar 3 pounds Allspice. Boil cider till it turns to jelly, stirring continuosly (Takes ten to twelve hours) Add apples and stirr till it makes a thick consistincey (about another ten hours) Two hours after last apples are added, add sugar liquirece and lemons, cook till the mix crystalises. Last ten minutes add Allspice. Result Jam with real attitude.
  20. Welcom Paul, don't worry about Rick it's the ..um ...you know when the years pass.... on the tip of my tounge...er. Anyone seen my keys?
  21. I'm a bit suprised it is so large. Nasty though it may seem to us now, most German cemetries are mass graves. Though there was a desire to grant Commonwealth War graves in perpituty. The granting of cemtrie space for Axis fallen was , probably still is, very contreversial.
  22. Well THEY have banned fox hunting. So I suppose you could save the criminals up , and give 'em a ten minute start. No shooting while they are sitting, (Got to be fair) Allow digging out, and the birds of prey could get some excersise, flushing them out. They get healthy excersise, it saves the hounds and adds to the rural econmy. Simpeless.
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