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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Come in , just park the bike on the nearest available axle stand.
  2. True, nothing a Dodge was done without great thought as to how they were used. Proper design!
  3. Welcome in the smell of oil and rust! You'll feel right at home.
  4. Intresting and useful. My home brew is burnt gear oil and disel. 75% Oil 25% disiel. also shifts rust.
  5. On the other hand the spare does give the driver some cover from fire they can't return
  6. That is nice! So what is an MV? Is it only purpose built, or a civillian type used by the military? A lot of Land Rover owners better think very carefully about that one.
  7. SOOOOOOO! Looking for a part time job as a Chippendale then? :cool2:
  8. We also used them in the Navy when marching. Two white held by the front guys, two red at the back. As you fantastic lights, decent emergency hammers.
  9. Happy Birthday (In Dutch) :iloveyou: Gelukkige Verjaardag (I hope)
  10. Ohhh nice one!!!!:yay::yay::yay::yay:Must use that!!!:cool2:
  11. Nah! Tough guys drive Dodges!! A couple of light ply or plastic sheets under the canvas help.
  12. I felt very sorry for the blind skunk. Poor thing fell head ove heels in love with a fart.
  13. Plus now, like Europe you must have both parts of your licence with you. This is for the CPC, September last year for trucks, a year earlier for PCV, you must have the ticket. If like us old foggies you had a licence before the nonsense then it is the date of issue proves you don't need to cary the CPC.Complictaed or what?
  14. Don't forget the Ever ready rubber torch. That was standard MOD issue until replaced with the Gucci Maglites. The Bialldin 305 pressure lantern was also standard kit at that time.
  15. Another good man gone. I was listening to his son talking about him on the radio this evening.I wish I could have met him.
  16. Welcome Carl. So you are rebuliding a Stolly? Don't be suprised if you get asked for a certificate of sanity. Good luck, you will find fellow suffrers on here.
  17. KOYLI, now theres a coincidence. They were also staioned in Jersey just prior to the Great War. See Andy Robertshaw's & Dave Kenyon's book, Finding the Fallen about the unkown soldier at Serre. book,
  18. Will be in Jersey mate! They took a bit longer, May 9th. Will be thinking of you lot though, God luck!
  19. And, if operating commercially , a drivers Certificate of proffesional competence, unles your main job is not driving , but enginnering or maintinence or your main job requires you only to drive a LGV to and from a place to carry the tools of your trade and..........at this point my head exploded!
  20. You drive a bus round Orpington as well then? :cool2: Driver how longs the next bus? Thirty foot same as this one. Driver this bus is late! Well, wait for the next one it might be on time! Excuse me Sir ( Iwas feeling polite) That pass is out of date. 'What the *** wrong with it?' 'Its dated 30th' 'So ****what it 'aint the 30th yet' 'No, but that one is dated 30th of February'
  21. A man was having tremedous trouble with his private parts, just couldn't get it down. In desperation he visits the local chemist knowing that is run by an old man. Imagine his suprise when he walks in to see two young nubile woman behind the counter. 'Eh' he asks 'What happned to the old man who used to run the palce?' Oh says one of the girls 'Farther died, we run the palce now, but don't worry we are both fully qualified' Decideing he is desperate the man explains his problem drops his keks and says 'What can you give me for this?' 'Excuse me ' says the girl 'I need to confer with my sister' They both go of in a huddle The girl turns and says' Well, the best we can offer is £500, half share in the buissnes and we will give you sunday night off'.
  22. My Dodge is 817**99 she was built according to card October 24th 1944. Yours is somewhat earlier then? Gordon has a list of numbers on the Dodge Forum. The vehicle looks a nice truck. Don't worry about brakes, they are quite straight forward, just do them by the book! The manual is available as a CD from Military Media, that has full instructions. The only thing that makes brakes awkward is the position of the master cylinder, under the sterring coluom. They were always designed to filled via a pressure bleeder. I use a modified Gunson. The fittings for the top of the cylinder were bought from the local plumbers merchants, an 8mm tube fitted and just pushed over the Gunson tube. No other hiden nastys I can think of. Ex Norwegian trucks are normally very sound, a lot of preventive maintience was done on them.
  23. Stick an Isuzu 3.1 turbo in it. Then take a pilots licence :cool2: Very easy to fit, uses a Land Rover 90 clutch. Solid economical and reliable.
  24. Mary had a litle lamb. The Doctor had a fit!
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