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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I have a feeling that Woody vehicle may be a Ford and has ENSA connections. A similar vehicle was at the 60 anniversary display in london. Can't remeber who owned it.
  2. How about thuis then? A couple of WC54, used by an SLU. The closed vans were used as the information , originally from Enigma intercepts was of course super secret.
  3. Another intresting thing, the pistol butt in picture Five. The cut out on the butt is more typical of a Webley Fosbery automatic revolver, rather than the birds head of picture two.
  4. They are blancoed I'm afraid. Today's tidy up and sort out got diverted by number one son pulling engines out of Land Rovers. I'll have a sort and PM you.
  5. So that's where your recruiting the dancing girls now then? :yay::yay::yay::cool2:
  6. If you have skinny legs, I've some spare size three gaiters.
  7. The moddlers are starting to ovetake the metal owners as well! Welcome in
  8. Blimey Joris!! Let me know when you want to start, I've a load of odd bits need sorting out.
  9. May I add my thanks for this contribution. Words are inadequate.
  10. Damn good motors the old 404, the fuel injected one really flew!
  11. My idea was similar, drop nets then catch para's as they went down. Then absail to the ground. Didn't US go their usual way and invented Pave Blue FAE to flatten 500 yards at a go?
  12. Sean sent me this link, to good to keep to myself. Me want the lot!!
  13. Camouflage nets to hide the Jungle? :n00b:
  14. A jungle air drop system used by the US in Vietnam?
  15. I don't know about quiet dignity. A friend of mine tells a story about one night driving a bus in London. A well dresed elderly man and his wife got on a sat down. At the next stop a drunk young *** also got on and stated abusing all and sundry. The next thing was the drunk came down the bus, on his back, slamming hard up by the doors. A quiet voice said 'Driver, can you stop and open the doors?'. which was done. Drunk then went out doors still on his back. When doors were shut and the bus on its way, the elderly gent said to my mate. 'I didn't jump at Arnhem to have some thug abuse my wife'. Just proves what they say about Para's. :-D
  16. I have to say the day I was lucky enough to meet Douglas Barder he was an absolute gentleman, and kindness itself. Yes I know he had a reputation, but he was very detrmined and never gave in. Such detrmination can be read as arrogance. Yes, I am defending him, when I met him , life for me was not good. He gave me good advice, 'You know when what you do is good. Never let anyone tell you it isn't.
  17. German coastal defences were using a lot of French and Russian guns. I know of two French guns that were mounted in Jersey with WW1 dates on the breeches. In fact the WLF pictures in Jersey show the guns being dumped over the cliffs. Some have now been salvaged.
  18. The M109 was I beleive the Light Gun 105 with a diffrent lenght of barrel, 45 calibers if mamory serves at this time of night, and a diffrent twist for US shells.
  19. The uniform detail is priceless as well!Post as many as you can find. The coats look like cut down bversions of the old Pytchley Riding Coat. Solid rubber weighed a ton.
  20. Must get trhere to see it. Congratulations on your work. Keep it up boys! :iloveyou:
  21. Sounds similar to the British Army suppling equipment to a company for fitting to Rodesian Saracen Engines some years back. Thing is it took two years for that to be found out (Publicly):cool2:
  22. Mine is Barder, for the time he was prepared to spend with two sixteen year old apprentices, a loooong time ago.
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