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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I'm going to breack ranks! :nono: The winch is just extra hassle, Dodge's are perfectly able to do anything asked of them without 'Bling'.
  2. Yes Clive, pointy stick was developed in response to the Falkland's. The radar was blocked by being down below skyline. If a low flying aircraft came in fast the aquistion time was to short. By swinging the stick you can get everything pointing in right direction for the radar to lock on. The other obvious thing is that the stick is not broadcasting, so nothing for the oposition to detect.
  3. Or soft sponge and gaffer tape. The main reason you get feed back is the microphone picking up noise from the speacker, then retransmitting adn so on round and round and round. Extrenious wind noise will cause this. Check the earth screens are correctly fixed. You may be getting interfrence from the vehicle electrics.
  4. Please drag him into the bar!! All stories greatly listned to! :writing: Would he be willing to have his tales recorded?
  5. Remeber those joyful days BEFORE the mobile phone? You could actually get away for a while.
  6. I'm suprised at using binoculars though. They would cut down your feild of vision. The Rapier version is very simple.
  7. It is a sound ranging device tape. The two peacks just after the silence are supposedly an American soldier firing two pistol shoots.
  8. Glad to help , as my old mentor Howard used to say 'A B***er if they don't go ,, a disiater if they don't stop.'
  9. A quick tracking device!! Rapier equavilent was the Stick Pointing'. The idea was track a target by eye, squeeze trigger to lock and launch. Quicker on low flying fast targets than radar.
  10. Done that!! Three in a row:-D Didn't need a winch, the vehicle will do it on its own.
  11. 236.6 cu inch, roughly 4 litre!!!!
  12. Hum hadn't thought of an internal mount. Wouldn't see it then from engine bay, thanks for idea!. :iloveyou:
  13. Richard setting me off, remember the Vampir IR sight fitted to the T.H.U.R.S.H. rifles in the Man From U.N.C.L.E.? So is this along similar lines?
  14. Your'e enjoying this arent you? So we have a pair of bins, There appears to be a trigger, and adjusting mechanism, and a handle. The lead suggests, either power going in, or, voice mesages coming out?
  15. Something to do with astral navigation?
  16. Where does a Polar Bear sleep? Any BL**DY where he likes!! :-D
  17. I leave brake parts to the experts.:-D I've contacted Steve, the cost for the whole set of cyl;inders is £265, not scary really. The pipes will need flushing and I can make any up needed. Shoes if needed I can get relined on the Island. The whole set up loooks original. Lucky it only went in the yard. Pastparts quote bettwen £55 and £110 plus vat master cylinder rebuild. They do a superb job. If no new parts are available, as in the QL, there a good answer. The major headache is were the master cylinder is sited. Reading the manual there is a reference to a 'Brake filling Tool' pressurised to 25 lb, so I'm assuming a pressure bleeder. By luck and design the top of the resovoir takes a standard gass thread reducer, into this is screwd an air line fitting, so a remote resovoir can be mounted. I think I'll just attach the end to the pressure bleed kit. and stay with the current resovoir. Worked OK on the WC51, and the fittings wern't as sophisticated.
  18. Tony B


    Spread the word round the MV/Militaria word. Crime stoppers can be very useful. To be entered on the Police National Computer anything stolen must have unique distingushing marks. Hence though a chore keep details of all serial numbers contract numbers, anything that can pick kit out.
  19. Shoes are out of adjustment, flexible pipes may be at fault, balloning. Clamp each flexi pipe and see if problem disappears.
  20. The area off Alderney in the Channel known as Hurd's Deep, thousands of pices of kit and explosive dumped there over the yreas.
  21. Important accesories for Dodge owners wardrobe. Thick Tank suit and Gortex, that's summer wear by the way.. :-D
  22. I know the club house bar is getting a bit rough, but really isn't this a bit excessive? Go on MODEL IT! :cool2:
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