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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. There is an additive for air brakes, though don't know the name. I'd pack straw bales round the vehicle up to the level of chassis if it is left for a while. I did this a number of years back now with a disiel Land Rover. that was waxing up. A couple of hurricane lamps left under it, solved the problem.
  2. Don't worry about literaccy, just do yopu know one of a spanner from the other? As for computers, most of us if you can't hit it with a hammer, or turn it with a spanner can't cope with it anyway.
  3. Eagle used to be 'parent approved 'comic, What was the other one, Look & Learn? Got a lot of WW2 history in that one. (Mind you I wish had some of the original copies now!)
  4. A Dalex on a budget? Seriously, it appears to be a sismic device. Either a detector, or an active device to detonate mines.
  5. That Radar trailer picture was taken at the back of Fort Halstead.
  6. A new Gunson prssure bleed kit, old one has been modified to fit Dodge, and is an esentil bit of kit. £20 A new 6 volt battery for Katy, old one suffering from being left to long- £130 Complete set of brake master and wheel cylinders for same. £350 There you are exactalty £500! But with a bit of negtiation can get it down to £499! :iloveyou: Driving buses, I deserve SOME happiness once a year.
  7. Nice and very practical piece of kit. Can still do the work it was designed for.
  8. At one time Woolwich had about 120 miles of standard and narrow gauge, a link to the mainline plus in own fleet of 6 motor vessels, the 2 gun barges, Gog aand Maygog, and it's own version of the Blue Ensign. There was also a gas works, located just to the South of where Belmarsh prision is now.
  9. To be serious fro a minutr. when you look into the eyes of your first born for the first time. The world takes on a whole new meaning.
  10. At least we'll still see you about. wait till the patter of tiny feet. :cool2:
  11. Don't know of many reenactment events for 65 year old vehicles in Sudan.
  12. BBC 7 Geroge Mcdonald Fraser reading his own book.
  13. Brilliant Rick. Please give Mr Filby my depest regards.
  14. Unfortubnatley not. Number of things have come up, running around like a fly in a colander. Did at least get Sunday to play with the Dodge though.
  15. The shoes need setting with a feeler gauge. There is a slot in the hub to allow you to do it. If you haven't got a manual, Military Media CD No 1 007742-1 has the full service manuals and a lot of other intresting stuff. The fitting you need is 15 mm internal down to 8x 5.5 pipe. I got mine from the local plumbing supply place. Take the master cylinder cap in. The clearnce at the bottom of the shoes should be 0.006 thouh, the top of the shoe 0.012. Turn the adjusters inwards to decrease clearance outwards to incresase distance. Hope this si of some help.
  16. New information has come to light since this matter was last visited. Has the stone found a permenat home yet?
  17. A bvit of advice. The brakes on the Dodge can be a nightmare. Get a presure bleeder and some gas fitting redcures to fit the master cylinder. A pice of 8 mm pipe will join the tubes nicley.
  18. Come on in mate! Always room for another re-eanctor in the mud.
  19. It is a Shorland, the APC version was Hornet, if I remember correctly. A lot of Land Rovers of this type seem to have ended up with CNN or BBC.
  20. Details might help mate! :-D By the by gave my Onan a real work out on Sunday, driving a 110volt, through transformer, nine inch grinder. Worked it OK.
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