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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Eh you can have a gross weight, or an unladen weight. Unladen is vehicle with all fittings oil water and full fuel tank, no driver. Gross weight is unladen plus people and max load.
  2. Very likley, the idea of aircraft spotting for artillery developed during the Great War. Originally it was the aircarft flew back and dropped a written message in a bottle.
  3. a wirless nunmber one set! any idea when and where taken? :nut:
  4. Better than you see in the published books on the subject. The Mortars are especially intresting, and nice detail on the disapperaring mounts.
  5. Tony B


    You know , you can go right off some people!
  6. Tony B


    Blimey, we are finally getting sunshine over here!
  7. I'd check all of it. If yoiu are thinking of replacing the wiring, better to do it allat once.
  8. Won't help. Check the wiring all through. One pice gone the rest might be on the way. It will take some time, but better than an electrical fire!
  9. Ta. sorry Forum demands I say 'Thank you'. Ta to short. Very formal lot.:-D
  10. Better to keep them for show and use the modern big fish day to day. Hate to hjave some *** on the mobile drive into the back of you! i
  11. Welcome, you are very understanding. Don't have a sister do you? :-D
  12. What's the middle vehicle? Any idea where they were taken?
  13. OH come on! At her age she's entitiled to be a little bit crotchy and arthritic in the maornigs! Boy that does look good, I'm genuinlley green with envy! :-D
  14. Considering all the surplus stuff out there! Modern kit is never a problem. It is all in the word INTENTION, don't upset PC Plod. MVT does not cover VCR, they are not a re-enactment group. More inmportantly don't upset the vetrans!!!!! They are after all the ones whio did it for real. As for the various Generals :pfrt: There is a 'General Mc Arthur! One of my prized memories is seeing the General given the B8ms rush by a pair of Gendarme's when he got pretention's of granduer.
  15. Don't wear medals unless you are entitiled to them! For the purpose of a drama and re-enactment yes. The 1914, Official Secrets Act covers 'persination', that is trying to pass yourself of as an officer when you aren't, so you could be hung. A lot of us wear uniform at shows and events. The problem is VCR act. Unless you are a memeber of a 'recognised re-enactment group with third party liability insurance', you can't buy realistic imation firearms. De-acs though no problem! Confusing isn't it? Before you go the Officer route, bear this in mind, officers were driven, not driver's. A private 's uniform or up to Seargent would be more corect.
  16. Most likley is the switch is sticking. It screws into the brake line just in front of the sterring box. Dear Dodge, why did you put the barake master and switch in such a stupid place? Work it a few times with someone behind and see if it operates properly. Check the pedal return and make sure the adjustment hasn't moved as well. The return spring may be weak. Clean up the brake mechanism, may just be sticking with dirt.
  17. The trees in the distance mark the turning circle do they?:-D You mad fool! What a great toy!
  18. You are forgetting the big BUT factor in all this. It's the MOD!!
  19. Are you allowing for bits sticking out? It would be the 'box 'dimensions of the vehcile that counts. Does the ballast body collapse to allow something else to be put on top when shipping?
  20. E mail sent with the 101 military diagram, the six way should be standard. Just kick me on the way past, like the rest of them!
  21. Quite probably a bitza. Any road going vehicle would be to valuable to hack about.
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