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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Probably kept under armed gaurd at one stage.
  2. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!:-D
  3. Welcome Jim, all eras covered here, some of us even go back to the time of the horse and cart. It was the 1904 Spyker that is credited with being the first 4 wheel drive isn't it?
  4. I wish! No, it was supporting the Passchendale memorial march with the 10th Essex living history group and No Man's land. Great fun to use the vehicle for what it was meant for, to support troops on the march. 60+ years old and she is still carrying evrything from VIP's to the beer and carting the rubbish away afterwards. On that trip I also got to photograph her under the Menin Gate , and be the first vehicle through after one of the Last Post ceremonies.:-D She was also one of the vehicles invited to parade down the Mall in London at the culmination of the 60th Anniversary of the end of World war 2. She has been on the BBC, 90th aniversary of the first day of the Somme. Convoy escort on the 60th annivesary of the Liberation of Jersey, the only time a non military team have ever fired an official 21 gun salute for Her Majesty the Queen ( I was timekeeper) She has taken me a lot of places got me into a lot of things and made me a lot of friends. She has also been on Goldbeach on the 6th June for the 60th and 65th anniversaries.
  5. Stupid question, but where is it? I have a rifle of the type imported from America and used by auxilary forces.
  6. Ahh, them were the days, when the BBC considered Muffin the Mule children's entertainmet.Not to mention peculiar looking plants declaiming 'WEED' all the time.Such innocence.:shocked:
  7. Wasn't there a post war British configuration usinga Morris vehicle i think, with a trailer front and rear?. The pigman at college Pete Mountain had driven them when he was in the RAF. To see him reverse a four wheel trailer, he could make them dance!
  8. Actualy modern solar chargers work quite resonably in a barn. Obviously the more sun the better. The one I'd suggest is the 30 Watt soalr power station from Maplin's. You can take this to shows etc and use to charge camera batteries. I dread the new catalouge, it alwys makes my credit card cringe. There is one piece of kit you might look at www.maplin.co.uk item code A88JH
  9. Eh yes, but some *** is busy washing a Ferret engine in the sink! They know that should be done in the bath house!. :stop: Don't worry to much Guillaume, we do talk sense sometimes.
  10. Yes, but it cleans the sink well. :-D
  11. Welcome Scott! You're knowledge will be very valuable.
  12. Very true! All the carbon deposits were in manufactuer, so by running an old vehicle you save the planet! Of course you will be looking for a Dodge WC51 (Wait....for it!) Welcome in!
  13. Welcome, you obviously have the best of taste. As another Dodge owner said to me today' You find somone unhappy with their Dodge, their not human'.
  14. I think, it was a test/moitoring vehicle for the early part of the IUKADGE project. Improved United Kingdom Ground Defence Enviroment project. The stickers corresponde with a lot of the companies involved,
  15. Pull up a chair! Number One son is restoring another EK, she's a 12 volt signal wagon baged 5th infantary division artilley , proabaly Berlin.
  16. Intresting thing is the tyres gutted off. Never wasted
  17. Some of us are trying to forget the likes of Lenny, and that**duck! :banghead:
  18. Welcome ,Bodge will soon bore yuou.. er.. answer your questions about the truck. This place is a world wide scource for odd military information.
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