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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Get one of those JML halogen ovens. Like a large pyrex bowl with a halogen light in the top! Magic kit! Even have a self clean seting.
  2. Oh I want to re-enact that shot!! :dancinggirls:
  3. Cor! Where are the toddleing sectiuon.. Sorry.. modelling section? What a diorama! :tup::
  4. House? Oh you mean that place we use as a workshop and ocasionally sleep in? Five whips, see PPD's post. The newly aquired petrol stove on the floor, had to move the toolbox to fit it in. Then fell over the Kracher to get to the computer, oh and Number One Son stuffing steak egg and chips. Pretty normal then? Had to move a tewnty five pounder once. So went into the allocation office said to John, 'Can I change rest days? Got to move a gun from Tilbury to Woolwich?', 'OK' he replied 'Let's have a look'. 'We settled down to check when Lisa the secratary cracked up laughing 'What's up with you?' we asked 'Well she replied 'You come in ask for time off to move guns, and we treat it as perfectly normal. Anyone else we'd be screaming for the Police'.
  5. OY!! Who are you calling Dodgy, if it's me. oh fair enough! :-D (He's just jealous)
  6. Well, some sense. After all the trucks were built to work and mine does. This picture was in Belgium at Passchendale a couple of years ago . A local guy asked me what is it? I replied proudly a Dodge Weapons carrier, he repliyed 'Yes, I can see that but what is the truck?' :-D
  7. Them were the days! Not a Japanese 4x4 in sight!
  8. Oh goody that confirms the opinion of many bus passengers then! :-D As somebody once said to me' If being called a Snob, means you like good intillgent conversation, think there is more to a night out than how far you can vomit a curry, and you seek intllegent people to be with, what's wrong with being a snob?
  9. Real big boys toys! Nebver underestimate Russian enginnering!
  10. Wanting to go IN! Shhessss, what a man!
  11. Will be down shortly!! :-D By the way, can you explain the point of the pile of stones by the entrance to Laborotry square. We MUST get a definjite date to meet!
  12. I'd love one! A REME guy told me get them started , then never turn them off. I rathers suspect hot disiel shut down problems.
  13. Hi Ron! amazing how many MV nut.. er.. enthusaiasts there are in Australia. Come on in!
  14. Welcome in, sounds like you've already had the mandatory sanity removal.
  15. Surley better to unwind with a bottle of wine, rather than oil? (Sorry run out of pills again) :cool2:
  16. I'm assuming each tilt was unique to the vehicle? Though presumably there is a maximum width to the individual roll of canvas so they were sown to size.
  17. some posts add extra words, they then don't appear in edit, so can't be removed.
  18. Welcome, we need another Dodge owner here. Congratulations on buying the best type of vehicle around! Stand by for plenty of rows over winches. But that's a good excuse to prop up the club house bar.
  19. When I 'twere lad! We never bothered with them new fangles round wheels! :argh:Actually loking at the ictures the tilts are seamed. I can get you soem measurments of teh dodge panels over the weekend.
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