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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B


    Worst bodge, an old lorry chassis that had split. Someone had drilled two pices of scaffold pole and bolted them across the gap. Best one, a brocken throttle cable on Austin Princess, replaced inner with bike brake cable. Lasted till car fell apart. No jokes about with an Austin not long then! About 9 months.
  2. I've found a photo of the ex Jersey K3, but as it is back from 35mm days. Not the best. Theses are original markings to the vehicle.
  3. Ok so what would you recommend for live firarms? The finish can get battered at times. Cold bluing never seems to work properly.
  4. Someone has been neglecting her! Have you seen Rick's introduction from Moose Jaw? He has two APT's. .
  5. Ah well. I do know specifically that K3's were used as artillery supply trucks by the 49th. 50 were shipped immdiatley post war to the channel Island's. Twenty five to Jersey the rest to Gurnersey. One has survived and the restoration brought to light the Polar Bear. I'lll try and find a photo of it.
  6. 30 Corps badge was the black boar in a white circle on a square background. There are two versions of that as well, one 'Rampant' the other 'more relaxed'. :cool2:
  7. Tool ,aking? that skill is valued here belive me. Welcome in
  8. If very light, some very fine wire wool. Then some cold bluing compound from local gun shop.
  9. May I ask where and when you got the K3? Have you one with the markings already on it!
  10. Tony B


    Hey Schelliser, I was told by a Y Service vetran that a lot of special units operating on or even behind the enemy line, tryed to get hold of German weapons. Reason being the sound signature. Didn't mark you out.
  11. Surley Marziy dotes was Britsh? My mother taught it to me years ago. Marziy dotes and doeszy edotes but a littlelambi lul eativey. A kiddle eat ivy to, wouldn't you?
  12. Two APT's! You lucky Devil! Fantastic trucks.
  13. Brakes aren't that bad actually. I've done the ones on my 51. Provided you go by the book, especially set them up with gauges, there no worse than a Land Rover. It's getting at the master without dismantling half the underside is the nightmare. And I've found the answer! :yay: Went into my local Halford's, they had a set of half moon proffesional rathchet spanners, special offer £20. Would have ben rude not to at that price! fantastic useful gadgts for odd corners. Only need 5 deg. of movement to work.
  14. Worth there weight in gold! A couple of silk sleeping bag liners. Easier than cleaning teh whole bag, and if it's really warm great on there own. Sleeping under tanks, not advised. They may decide to settle during the night.
  15. Welcome.What you got? what are your major intrests? If we don't know we can't start a good row?
  16. Was this the beast fitted with the Shelaighly (Irish thumping sticK) weapons system?
  17. Try the usual suspects. If you are talikng about the double stuf that clips over the door, modern trim works OK I've got to do Katy's brakes completly when I go over to Jersey for May 9th. Carol, who owns her has had heart trouble, now pray God fixed! That put katy off the road for eighteen months. Started her in October last year and the *****master cylinder blew! no point in just doing the master so will do wheel cylinders and flexis as well. Katy is ex Norwegian the light is as you see is hooded. I picked them up at BOAR in Belgium some years back.
  18. OOOOH PLEASE!! I'm off next weekend!:-D:-D:-D:-D Will definitley check!
  19. Biggest problem here is are there going to be 'Guidelines', Enabling legislation, or definte exemptions and non exemptions. Mike you are doing a good thankless job. Legsilative draughtsmen, get about £100,000 a year to argue where the commas should go, and we still end up with disputes!
  20. welcome Holger. I am right behind the Mod's here. While I post pictures here freely and donate all my pictures to several re-enactment groups I play with. It is galling to see yourpictures in commercial magazines and other sites claiming to be their's. Even an acknowledgement to the group would be nice. As for any photos of your own, please post. This place is like a world wide showground.
  21. hi Ojays. A few hours sunshine if you can spare them wouldn't come amiss.
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