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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Ah when I did my aircraft bat course . Both bats over eyes = P45 in the office:D
  2. Just leave the IR switch in to fill the hole. Join the wires permenatly behind.
  3. The Genive Run, from Sevenoaks to Hastings was on today! I was ***working! :noyay:
  4. Eddy that would take all the fun out of the forum:D. The use of obslete tank chassis for other purposes started in the Great War, when Mk 3's and 4's became command, supply and radio vehicls, Mk1's that survived being relegated to training
  5. They did have a lamp in place on some wartime ones, but not blue. See the picture, easy enough to make up.
  6. She's an APT! :banghead: When you put her next to a WC Dodge the dfrrences are very marked, narrower for a start.
  7. No SAH!! It wasn't an acident! We were just inspecting the undercarraige before aceptance Sah!:red:
  8. Welcome in, with Jag experience the CVR guys will be pestering you morning noon and night.
  9. Ah a baaad case of OD's then? Welcome in, you will find solace and support here.
  10. Tony B

    Big ray

    Funny enough my son just passed his first TA selectuion weekend two weks ago. Much the same on a smaller scale. Take you out of your comfort zone, give you starnge tasks make sure you are at full stretch all the time. Even he, who is quite shy, said it was amazing how the group he was with became friends. Partner's in adversity.
  11. I'll pass the message on, :-D Steve and I did a lot together. The two of them were support vehicles for the 10th Essex Great War re-eanctment group during a number of events including the 90th anniversary of the First Day of the Batle of the Somme and the 90th anniversary of Pasenchendale. The only problem Norah ever gave was the generator in 2007. But in fairness when we took it apart the bearing that had failed was dated 1945!. took about an hour to fix. Fortunatley she had decided to stop about 2 km from SKF's main Belgium supply place. Can't do that with a modern vehicle!
  12. Just some odd photos that I put in the gallery to post in specific threads. Also I've used my allowance so can't add new ones.
  13. She is on conventional ignition. Though she was also tuned by a Rover V8 specalist. I don't think an electronic ignition would make much diffrence in the case of a 101.
  14. How do you delete old pictures from teh gallery?
  15. Do you know, I'm not even sure if there was a specific size.
  16. Here who are you calling a 'gentleman'? :-D Just make sure the peasants have the Sauna hot!
  17. The Polar Bear is the mark of 49th (West Riding) division. Supposed to represent the time the division spent in Iceland. There are two versions. The early version the bear had his head down.The story is the Colonel of the Regiment, said 'After Narvick that bear has no reason to hang his Bl**dy head!'. The background is normally a black square.
  18. The word duplication does not show up in preview.
  19. Just got that one!! :banghead: And Ole don't worry! The Gremlin, troll or whatever you call the nasty litle **** spirits that cause electrical problems in Denmark. He's decided to come home!! The 'company car' decided to stop this morning, and guess where? Right across the lights a busy junction! Alternator failed!!
  20. And there was me making sure Ole had a complimentary copy of Pathfinder! :nono:
  21. Not starting small then? What's the Fox for? Running to the shops?:-D
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