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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Oh it was a thought out planned revenge. The man was a pin the backside, we could never quite pin anything on him. My boss loathed the sight of him. For three days all the swarf from any grinding was carfully collected, used thinner was preserved, and talk was insigated in his hearing of that moaning contract I'd got to do over the weekend, got to fuel up Friday afternoon and take the tractor home, etc, etc,. We added a couple of pints of disiel to get the smell right then did a 'rush' job on Friday afternoon to get me away, forgetting to take the last can back inside. The plan was to stop the engine properly, so about a dustpan full of grinding swarf went in, most of it as I recall from the refurbishing of a liquid muck tanker going to Windsor Polo club.
  2. The icing on the cake was to hear him sobbing in the local pub over repair costs! :banana::banana:
  3. Mind when I was there I witnessed a crew take a Chally 1 past a load of skitish officers horses being taken for a walk at full throttle, the next thing there was stable girls being dragged through hedges and over roads whilst hanging on for dear life whilst the six or so horses scattered. Bet somebody was tapping the boards for that one Funnyly enough a good solid sound horse that dosen't spook is still decribed as 'Bomb' or 'Tank Proof'. I did have one horse Blondie, who was litterally tank proof. I was riding him at the gallop through the Savenake Forest, spun round a corner to meet a Fox CVR(W) coming the other way. Driver stopped dead, horse stopped dead, I proceded on my way to end up hanging on the gun barrel!
  4. So is Clive going into Bio fuel now then? Really the wrong sort of cow, would have been a Dairy Shorthorn or possibly one of the Channel Island breeds as milkers then.
  5. To true mate! I'd stick a bl**dy lighthouse on the back if I thought it would help. Not that it would when some *** hits a 35 foot long 8 foot wide 14 foot high BRIGHT RED, lit like a Christmas tree, double decker bus in the side. Though the driver was writing down a message he was reciving on his mobile phone at the time. :noyay::nono:
  6. Importantly, we all have ears in the hobby, anyone hearing of any de-acs suddenly going cheap speack up. A list of the serial numbers and types stolen would be useful. And wouldn't upset anybody.
  7. Best of luck to you all, I'm green with envy! God and Weather permitting , what a day!
  8. I worked at place where a neighbour was nicking disiel. So I got an old jerrycan, mixed in the sweepings from the workshop floor, old paint thinners, emery dust and swarf from grinding. Then I filled a tractor outside the workshop and drove off 'Forgetting' one can. It was with great delight I later saw said numpty at the side of the road with the bonnet up on his three month old pickup truck.
  9. I was given two from Normandy, they were sand cooured, and always have been. Apparently something like ten million jerrycans were landed in the first months after D-Day. When the Rhine crossing came, only about two million could be found, leading to a lot of logistic problems.
  10. Electrons have been suitably energised!
  11. Any American built unit or supply used by British or Commonwealth forces was paid for. Any British built or supplied unit used by the US forces wasn't paid for. As For Joseph P Kennedy, he was a rabid Anglophobe, claiming very tenuous Irish extraction, he was a poisonus litttle articale, his daughter Rosemary sufferd from mental illness. In order not to blight his political ambitions he described her as 'Mentally Retarded', then had her subjected to a Lobotomy, which went badly wrong condemming the poor woman to liflong disability (she lived to the age of 83) Then He would not allow her name to be mentioned in his house! There is also some doubt as to wether he passed on, as requested, being the Ambasador to the Court of St James at the time the US was neutral the mesage to the Nazi Forign Office the note that the Channel Island's had bene demilitirised, resulting in the Islands being bombed. He was forced to resign his position as Ambassador after making a public stament that 'Democracy is finished in England, and probably over here (US) as well'.
  12. There seem to be as many pices of the Berlin Wall as there are of the true cross. The RE musem at Chatham has a piece, with pictures of it being taken down. One silly thought comes to mind though, who actually owned the damm thing? And do they know its gone?:cool2:
  13. Clean commutator, it dose look a bit grimy, replace brushes, probably worn and there cheap enough, then re-polarise. Gennys are almost bomb proof bits of kit and unless seriously knackered easy to service. DO NOT RE-POLARISE WITH THE REGULATOR WIRED IN!! That gets very expensive on regulators. It would also be worth checking the obvoius, is the belt in good condition and are all the pulleys tight? The regulator can be a touchy bit of kit, clean all the contacts carfully with fine emery, but make sure evrything is scrupulosly clean before refitting the cover. There looks to be a fair amount of grime there as well, rember Electrickery is lazy! Dosen't like going through dirt. Polarisng info: http://www.nls.net/mp/volks/htm/gen.htm
  14. Apparently we are now lending the US money. :-D
  15. Invest in an engraving tool and mark everything with a distinct mark. It needen't be big or obtrusive, mearly so that any piece can be uniquley identified. I always lock my de-acs down with bicycle locks.
  16. Oh I agree mate! Some of the Pondlife round here looted a Games shop last week. Vidioed it, and posted on You Tube! They are now complaning the Police are picking on them! Must take hours of practice, you just could not be born that stupid!
  17. Can I make an apology? I did not intend my post earlier about a memeber's atempt to wind up the Mods to refer to Paul. The comment above was editied, I think rightly, by Jack. :kissoncheek:
  18. If your trying to be the fourth person banned from the forum. Do the decent thing, go away of your own accord. Please note: This post is not aimed at Paul! It was intended to refer to a post that Jack has, in my mind rightly , removed.
  19. As far as indicators go. I've just replaced all mine with LED bulbs and what a diffrence! I've also strapped a twelve LED strip under each front wing wired to the sidelights. Nothing shows but when dark they light the wheels and show the true width of the vehicle.
  20. Oh God! He's breeding them now! :wow:
  21. Is it can o' worms night or what? :-D It was a stated war aim of the USA that the European Empires should be brocken up, especially India from Britian. As part of repatriations (Normally paid by the loser?) much advanced technology was handed over by the British goverment, everything from Computers (Collosus) to mobile phones (WS10)
  22. Yes, this matter should bre reported to the Police.
  23. I chnaged to the Halford's Classic Q20/50 a couple of years ago when I couldn't get the normal Valvoline quick enough. And I must say I have be very suprised and happy with it. It's actually a semi synthetic and gives much steadier pressure after a long hot run.
  24. I've run my Dodge quite happilyon 20/50. US were hells bent on standerdisation of kit at the time. It wa sthe first multigrade oil, abd came in when older vehicles were still in a lot of use.
  25. At $50 deposit, your Dad must have thought a lot of his music Bob.
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