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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Problem is classic tractors are getting as expensive as the new ones.
  2. I may have a spare set of wire cutters about, not in frog though.
  3. A little bit of courtesy, I always fly a little local flag, like a yachts curtesy ensign. It will get you a lot of co-operation http://www.gitesandmore.co.uk/About%20Normandy.htm Try to visit Tilly Sur Selle and the Jerusaleum Farm cemetry. The Calvados sold on the farm is the best there is!
  4. Brtish Army went 'Eggshell' some years back. Easier to decontaminate than matt finish.
  5. Belarus! They do a nice copy of the old Massey Ferguson 35. Cheap reliable easy to fix, cheap to get parts and would do all you want plus more. The other point is why cut the grass yourself, when some one will pay you to cut it? Depending on the quality of pasture etc. look at letting it out for hay or haylage. You could also attract local bee keepers if it is old pasture with a lot of wild flowers. Any sheep near you? Even if you come to a bater deal say two carcasses per year. There are lots of ways of making something out of it.
  6. I'm going to sulk for a month now! You lucky...... just in time to enjoy in it's natural envoroment. Bit of history on your new toy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Special_Service_Force
  7. Tony B


    Preperation for a bad winter then?
  8. Tony B


    Take less water with it! :-D
  9. Not that I recall Richard. Mind you it's the age Dear! Good news is that the Signals Musuem belive they have a set of WS10 electronic kit in one of their stores.
  10. Thanks Chris! That fits exactaly with the kit. Any idea around what time the code would have used? The trailer is the Mark 1 type. We know about 50 were built , but pinning down a more exact timeline has been difficult. The whole project was more than Top Secret.
  11. Round here Richard, as you know the first time you boil the kettle is the last time you see the bottom! Rain water is clean, but still has some residue in it from atmospheric pollutants, and the ions. The very pure water distilled on nuclear submarines has the odd side effect of removing calcium from bones of the crew. This is then passed in a solid form. It plays merry hell with the toilet systems apparently. The macerators used to chop and diperse the waste are jammed by the stones. I was also advised years ago by an old mechanic to add K Bar conditioner to the system when I cagnged anti freeze, I've done that ever since. Touch wood never lost one to freezing.
  12. Thanks Richard. After 70 odd years I think we can wait a bit longer. :-D I've also contacted Tickfords to see if they have any info. I also found this articale on the system. http://www.thewarillustrated.info/223/now-it-can-be-told-whitehalls-wireless-link-with-the-war.asp
  13. A salutary lesson in never throwing any old bit of metal away. Having gone through the various bits that had fallen off the WS10 trailer we have come across two plates. I'm hoping Clive , the font of all numbers may be able to shed further infomation. The first plate shows the manufacturer Tickford Ltd. WS10 No 6/WT/7908 CB 14 (A) also the second plate has the code YA8196. It appears our suvivour is the number 7 of the first 50 built. Any help on numbers appreciated.
  14. Thanks to Lee and the owner of the bunker for a great restful weekend! :-D Feel very good for it! Thanks also for Neil for a VERY entretaning Saturday afternoon! :cool2: Is it true that the Ditch will now be known as 'Neil's Nemissis'?
  15. I use 50/50 anti freeze mix. NEVER use distilled or De-Ionised water!!! It will draw ions and therefore corrode the metal. The old British Army advice is best 'Use Fresh Rain Water'. In London the water is so hard you chew it. I normally leave a plastic dustbin out to collect rain from straight down, not metal. Filter through an old nylon stocking. Cumbersome and quaint, but works.
  16. Wonder if it was issue or unit mod?
  17. Didn't the Israli's take it on? It's the same vintage as the Moke and Austin Ant. The brief was for a light 4x4 capable of being lifted by the helicopters of the time. Eh , answer my own question. Autocar was an Israli company http://9700vc.blogspot.com/2008/10/4wd-triumph.html
  18. On this subject, looking at long range forcasts we are due for a long bloody cold winter. Worth wrapping batterys in insulation, even if use. There are purpose built kits available. I normally use old rubber mats.
  19. Have you a six volt vehicle? Plug it in and jump start with twelve volts. Then let it tick over. The plates may well have sulphated, something like bat aid might work. The intielligent de sulphating chargers work by pulsing the current intially, mine has a handy manual desulphate button. Though if the battery is totally flat it may well be worth leaving the charger connected for twenty four to forty eight hours to see if it will take a chrage. One of mine took a week, but now is perfect. You might also try a couple of minutes at twelve volts to defibbulate it.
  20. If you want something a biiit diffrent! :-D http://www.targetsports.co.uk/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=2541
  21. Welcome in. As for the sterring problem, it appears as if it happens under heavy load, I'd check suspension for wear .
  22. Welcome mate! Land Rover, and Ambulance. Winning double.
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