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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome along. There will be plenty of advice following shortly.
  2. Does anyone have the fitting details or an exploded picture of the Norwegian hard top for a Dodge WC?
  3. Water based stuff is preffered now, dosen't burn. The MOD approved Vactan is terrific rust killer /proffer/ primer. I was lucky enough to be given a load. It is very economic to use as about 1 1/2 litres will do a LWB Land Rover chassis twice over. I first applied the stuff to the Dodge about 4 years ago now, no rust has come through...yet. http://www.paco-systems.co.uk/vactan.html
  4. I'm jealous! :mad: Does confirm one thing though, the top blue light on the 54 was obviously post war Norwegian. Katy had the same thing, but now has a period red cross lenses fitted.
  5. More pushing than driving! :-D The Playstation dashboard keeps you amused for hours though. You should see the next lot of 'proposals'. Apparently they can be reached if you add exhaust recirculation, but fuel consumption doubles.
  6. Unfortunatley I only have thumbnails for the GS version.
  7. A lot of service vehicles are never undersealed anyway. Reason being the stuff burns.
  8. Welcome Tim, get problems with crows then?
  9. The Pig Pi** does NOT go into the fuel!:nono: It is mixed with the exhaust gas in the manifold. At which point it cools everything, so when the mix goes into the catalyst it don't work! Result when the engine is under load the lambda sensor goes OHHH, not working, I know!! :idea: I'll lock the engine into chimp mode! :yay::goodidea: Result = 'Would passengers please get out and push, or we will never get up theis &*(£££$ hill! :banghead:
  10. They seem to have been water carrier/treatment vehicles.
  11. Very, very nice. Beautiful detail.
  12. For those with more....taste... http://wc64.com/documentation.htm
  13. Done many happy miles round Normandy in the Dodge, not Leeds though. :-D The next mission is to keep a promise to Carol and take Katy the WC54 back to Normandy.
  14. I've got photos of Bedfords and Morris vehicles used by the Germans. Apparentley the Quad was a sort after vehicle by the Wermacht as well. There should be a thread on captured vehicles in the HMVF dusty ceallers.
  15. Tony B

    Just seen Sally B

    Yes, Jersey air show Tommorow 08/09. There are also a number of staic displays at the Airport.. And guess who is sutck over here working! :banghead:
  16. The board has three alert states. Bikini Tahiti and Tesseral. Coloured boards as per alert stae. The old Black Special is now Black Alpha so has a black Board with the wite letter A in the middle. Every board is diffrent. The basic sign is stenciled leters for each alert then slides for the colour. To be technical, the States are open code words, the action to be taken at each state is Restricted.
  17. Welcome along, now all you need is something to go under the back.
  18. And WC54's were used by the Special Liasion Units that handled the ULTRA intillegence in the feild. They were responsible for the security and distribution of the information from Bletchley.
  19. Well lads, I know the area he's lurking in! Quick trip over on the ferry? :cool2: Geoff mate, Katy over very soon! Something always promised!
  20. If we are onto favourites, then BAT 21. The only film I can keep watching and see more in it.
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