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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Nice to see the FWD, mate of mine had one for years.
  2. You know Cheese Pocesed is now classified as dangerous waste product? :-D
  3. May the road forever rise to meet his feet, may the wind always be at his back, and may he be in Haven before the Devil knows he's gone (Old Irish toast at wakes) Now remeber the good things.
  4. Very true Jack (Oh Gawd,Jacks off ,again!) Serial numbers and photos, stored on a secure database. As long as it a private thing I can't see the data protection act being a problem. There would need to be one designated person who has acces and an agreement as to when and what information is released. The local crime prevention officer may have some suggestions. A simple form such as the HMVF vehicle form would be ideal, would be worth approching the insurance companies as well, after all they would benifit as well.
  5. Still as good today as they were when packed!
  6. Welcome in, we are not prejudiced here, just feel sorry for those who have no intrest in military vehicles or history.
  7. You're in a good area mate! Plenty of the green meanies about.
  8. Simple answer if you talk to enough insurance companies, one will grudgingly decide that 'yes, under special circumstances we may be able to cover you' and then start adding an infinite numbers of 00000000s to the premium. Try and get all the boxes such as pass plus ticked. Then it just phone and talk, I'm afraid. Don't want to sound as if I'm raining on your parade but my son is 24 with a clean licence, and still having problems getting him covered!
  9. What ever you choose to do it will be expensive to learn to drive, and the real frightner, insurance cost. You can do your car license, then save and do the LGV clas Ctest at 18 now. Do that and you can cock a snock (Whatever the hell they are!) at us old foggies.
  10. Yeah they come in 7.5 ton and 22 ton, I was stupid enough to let a 22 ton one go. :banghead: I made a plate to fit it to a ladder hitch. That fits a Landy!
  11. It does seem to be going , in YOUR own words, Poo-Poo on occasion this week:-D. But then so does my whole internet connection.
  12. Daft isn't it? I've been sticking them on vehicles for years with whatever HT bolts fit. Then someone asked me yesterday, 'Which exact bolts and nuts do I need to buy? :nut:
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-14602900
  14. We GOT to do something else like that, what a great day. :dancinggirls:
  15. What are the correct size and type of bolts to hold a NATO hitch on? :???
  16. This is a moot point. If you are restoring a vehicle and use as many original parts as possible , regardless of scource then it can count as an historic vehicle. Once you get into parts re manufactured to original spec, or parts supplied by manufacturer as old part no longer avilable, then things start to get complicated. As to wether a vehicle manufactured from parts could be historic, it was done by one of the Land Rover magazines a few years ago. DVLA refused to accept it as it was new build. When done on an existing chassi, it was accepted. So wht if an old vehicle is re-chassised and then other bits added? Depends on how much you add. That's why MVT and IMPS do a verification scheme.
  17. Don't know Jack's reputation then? :cool2:
  18. Probably sized bearings or if the shaft rottaes cleanly. It has lost polarisation. If Ron give you you 'what a numpty' pitying look, bear with him. :-D The outer coil relys on on a trace magnetic feild to operate, so if feild isn't there it won't work as a motor either!
  19. For once Bern it appears the French WERN'T to balme. Papers released over the last few years show it was manily the Australian's that wanted the cash, on the grounds they wern't going to benifit from the land grab! France was more than hapy to get Alsacse and Lorraine back. The usual British answer, blame the Frogs! British troops were subject to overall French command during WW1, something that was kept very quiet and British Generals get a lot of stick from being forced to comply with French and UK political pressure to carry out operations they knew had no hope. If the Triple Alliance hadn't crossed Belgium territory, thus triggering the treaty obligation, Britian may well not have got involved.
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