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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The truth is out there!! It's the others getting in your way stop you finding it! :wow:
  2. As Gordon said could have been very secret. Various black light and ultra violet beacons were used to locate agent landing/pick up sites, and approach routes such as D-Day.
  3. The whole nature of deception and intilligence is that it should remain SECRET. Many of the techniques and systems used in both World Wars are still current. As for photos, the CAMERA can't lie, but the user (especially now) can present all sorts of things.
  4. Welcome in, ownership not required dedication , enthusiasm and a touch of insanity essential though.
  5. Losing power? :cool2: Now you know why OY! OY ain't the *** going now? They are evily prone to gassing, also go through the ignition system very carfully, coils etc can cause such problems. Budget for a good electronic ignition system. If you really want to be difrent, I have a photo somwhere of one in German camo and markings.
  6. I always thought the S boats were of steel construction. Try to get a copy of Peter Scott's Battle of the Narrow Seas, beautiful photos and his pictures of various MTB's MGB'sSGB's S Boats and others (Yes the wildfowl, slimbridge Peter Scott) And , yes, S boats and other small craft were based in the Channel Island's from time to time.
  7. Not for basic testing. It was the key socket that made me think of a valve base. A Looong time ago I worked somewhere that had a tester for all the themionic valves in Aircraft sets, particullaly Intra's old DC3's. Looked very similar. It also struck me as A & B being turrets may have been some form of gun laying device linked to Radar. (It had been a long night )
  8. Those of us of a certain age will also remeber the RN term 'Floggeltoggle'. They will also remeber that pice of alchemy known a sthe 'Thermionic Valve' (Pay attention children there will be a test afterwards) Clive the device looks very like a tester for Magnatron valves.
  9. Woudn't Quells be more useful? :-D
  10. I agree on the fuel lines, much simpler to change the whole lot with a modern material (I'll admit to liking transparent line of aircraft type) I have to say the only annoying fault my Dodge has come up with in ten years was an electrical Gremlin picked in France (Blame the Frogs as usuaul!) The screw on the back of the ignition works loose! New screw an excorsism has cured that though.
  11. Plasteel in the clear tube is the best I've found. Just breack off a lump and knead then apply, It will fix nigh on anything.
  12. 180 in the last few days is not that bad. The temprture will rise when you slow or come to an idle anyway, more importamtly is what is oil presure doing after ahot run? Either way in weather like this idle the engine for a couple of minutes BEFORE shutting down! Let temp oil readings return to normal. Engine timing can cause a rise in temprature. Contaminated fuel, I;m still not that convinced. the fact she ran when piped from a can, that is more likley to be a fuel line problem, or dirty tank, pick up. The lazy way is an air line engine end of the fuel line. The better way is check and replace the lines. Filter the old fuel through a fine nylon stocking and water down with fresh fuel (To expensive just to dump)
  13. Tony B

    Big ray

    And you chose the best time of the year for it!
  14. Copper worked for me as well Goran! That and a good ignition system! :cool2: The old Bedford OY's are notourious for gassing, copper line does help with the problems. The temprature over the last few days round here has been in the high 20's! The turbos were giving out **all power, trying to get a bus uphill has been murder.
  15. So you were buzzing about then? Got to be said, well dosen't have to but I'm going to anyway. 'Wow , you've found the GREEN HORNET!
  16. Odd thought, what is the coil doing? May be breacking down when hot, or dear old condenser.
  17. Just got this from a friend in the US. I'll bet we can all quote similar happenings. Bubba had shingles. Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line? Here's what happened to Bubba: Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had... Bubba said, 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles..' So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor. An hour later the doctor came in and found Bubba sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?' Bubba said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em??'
  18. Isn't the reason roll frames and now roll cabs became complusory because ALL tractors can roll over? And any two wheel drive can be got up on it's hind legs. It's known as act stupid and they bite. My soft spot is for the David Brown 880 and 885, but if I was buying now for a small holding, I'd go for a Massey 35 or 135, or, one of the Belarus copies, they have updated lights and a roll frame. Were also only about £5000 new ( With all parts for first service) so a lot were bought by hobby farmers and horsy places, so haven't done much work. Renaults are nice tractors, but probably still very expensive.
  19. So that's where the 200,000 or so that went missing bettween D-Day and Market Garden went!
  20. If the fuel system is in good condition a Dodge is able to run on any thing better than Parrafin! :-D Mine ran quite happily on French fuel.
  21. Sounds more likley to be the pump! If you know the new one is good, there easy enough to change. The steel fuel pipe might not like it though. I have Cupro nickel pipe on mine, the old one rusted through.
  22. What position is the manifold heater vane in? Its on the exhaust manifold a heart shape with a pointer. Mine has always been down with no problem.
  23. Have you got the heat gaurd over the fuel pump?
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