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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Trained at agricultiral college. :-D
  2. Restoratinon V Conservation. Phil and I are going through this discussion at the moment on his new Wolsey. There is a nsty pit, going through in pin holes on the bonnet. I suspect ten years of a guano siting on it. Is there any technique that can re bind paint? The top coat has almost seperated from the undercoat. A complete respray is the obvious, but as Richard says, It is ongoing history.
  3. The good thing about someone hitting a bus. I'm not paying the bills. :-D Though I have taken to hanging a trailer board over the back of the Dodge on the road. Most people just don't look down for a vehicles lights now. I now all the war dance about lighting regulations, but better tried by twelve than carried by six!
  4. Yes, only to aware of the keeping problem. That's why I now have the Dodges. be nice to see them under work though.
  5. Nigel, you are going to have to buy a couple of power scources. :cool2:
  6. They are if some mug will pay it. When I think of all my Matchbox and Dinky and Corgi toys, let alone all the 2/6 (That's half a crown or 12 1/2p to you youngsters) Tin plate train sets you'd buy at jumble sales. :banghead:
  7. No mate they are an old idea. Statred by a farmer cutting up plastic fertiliser sacks. All so pretty. Then the old farming Saw' 'Sheep- The only animal born looking for an intresting way to die'. :-D I hope Granduaghter has something to inhiert. Everything you touch has been farmed or mined.
  8. How do you get so much detail on something so small?
  9. I invested in a Ring SmartCharge 8. It was cheaper than the Halford's equivalent and has a manual recondition switch. I tried it on an ailing 108 amp hour battery. Took about three days but did get it back working. A Solar charger put on when not in use does seem to keep the battery alive, provided the batery is well charged when it is applied.
  10. Nothing wrong wit that. Looks the part, and keeps you safe. One of our buses was hit up the rear at traffic lights today. It's only nine feet high and eight feet wide lit up with two extra bright LED clusters. I mean what is there not to see?
  11. Better than Garden Gnomes! :-D
  12. I'm glad it wasn't only me. I spent a long time some years back trying to answer this. Came up with Tight enought not to leack, not so tight as the shear. It was aronud the 50-55 lb mark.
  13. Some might call that an obssecion. We call it Great! Welcome in.
  14. There were a few mobile Oranges knocking about in the late 1960's based on Mini bits. You know, I wish I din't have such an active imagination. :noyay: The picture of that Weiner mobile being followed by a pair of Oranges..... I'll go and lie down.
  15. No need to be shy. We all suffer the same. :-D
  16. Wasn't that when The Roman emperor , which ever one, shouted Cassuis Cassuis where are my legions? Callicasical edcachun see? Bit of checking. It was Emporor Augustus who rent his garments and exclaimed Varus, Varus where are my legions? Arminiius the Germanic leader led the legions into the forest and through hit and run tactics wore them down, finally defeating them in a set battle. Augustus' concern was that Varius had lost virtually all the fighting force Rome had at the time.
  17. Except we are forgetting the political tap dance. We don't wage 'War's' on countries we may want to sell things to. From a Soldier's point of view when the rounds are going down, who cares?
  18. Barry at Dackar at Swanley. He's very MV friendly, runs a REO, and they should fit. I had the 101 ambulance done there.
  19. This is one of those world of hurt exemption arguments. It has been discussed on here before.
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